The tourism sector in Albania is expected to suffer even more from the lack of employees in accommodation or service units.
Even though the flow of tourists to the country, especially during the summer season, is increasing year by year, the service continues to remain one of the weak points in this sector.
Found in these conditions, many managers of tourist entities applied to hire foreign employees, mainly from Middle Eastern and Asian countries.
But it seems that even this experiment did not give results. But what are the experiences of hotel managers who have received foreign employees in the last summer season?
“I had such an experience with Filipinos. Not that I was happy with the results to be honest. I don’t believe I can do it again a second time,” a business representative told A2 CNN.
But why does the tourism sector, which is among the most profitable in the country, fail to attract neither local nor foreign employees?
“The work in the tourism sector tells us about a dramatic situation in terms of exploitation at work, or forced labor, long working hours without a contract, undeclared payments, but also lack and total abandonment of the sector at the peak of the tourist season,” he said.
Even in the next summer season, apparently, tourists will encounter service accommodation units with 15 to 18 year old teenagers, as it turns out to be the only workforce that can work in seasonal periods and without contracts, but for professional service it seems we are still far away. /Telegrafi/
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