Gorilla e kopshtit zoologjik stërvitet që të ndezë dhe tymosë duhan (Foto)

Gorilla e kopshtit zoologjik stërvitet që të ndezë dhe tymosë duhan (Foto)
Azalea, whose Korean name is "Dalle", a 19-year-old female chimpanzee, smokes a cigarette at the Central Zoo in Pyongyang, North Korea on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016. According to officials at the newly renovated zoo, which has become a favorite leisure spot in the North Korean capital since it was re-opened in July, the chimpanzee smokes about a pack a day. They insist, however, that she doesnít inhale. (AP Photo/Wong Maye-E)

Azalea është gorilla e cila jeton në kopshtin zoologjik në Penian të Koresë së Veriut, që është stërvitur të tymosë nga një pako duhan në ditë.

Kafsha është mësuar që të ndezë cigaren me shkrepës, apo me anë të një bishti tjetër të ndezur, transmeton Telegrafi.

Turmat e vizitorëve brohorasin me 19-vjeçare, kur ajo po nxjerrë tym nga goja dhe hundët, sikur një njeri.

Por, ky aktivitet i kopshtit që sapo është rinovuar, nuk u ka pëlqyer aspak mbrojtësve të të drejtave të kafshëve. Ata kanë kërkuar që gorillës mos t’i jepet më duhan dhe të mbrohet shëndeti saj.

Në anën tjetër, zyrtarët e kopshtit që ndodhet në kryeqytetin e Koresë komuniste, kanë thënë se ajo nuk e inhalon tymin, por vetëm e sjellë nëpër gojë. /Telegrafi/

Azalea, whose Korean name is "Dallae", a 19-year-old female chimpanzee, smokes a cigarette at the Central Zoo in Pyongyang, North Korea on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016. According to officials at the newly renovated zoo, which has become a favorite leisure spot in the North Korean capital since it was re-opened in July, the chimpanzee smokes about a pack a day. They insist, however, that she doesnít inhale. (AP Photo/Wong Maye-E)

Azalea, whose Korean name is "Dallae", a 19-year-old female chimpanzee, lights a cigarette at the Central Zoo in Pyongyang, North Korea on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016. According to officials at the newly renovated zoo, which has become a favorite leisure spot in the North Korean capital since it was re-opened in July, the chimpanzee smokes about a pack a day. They insist, however, that she doesnít inhale. (AP Photo/Wong Maye-E)

Azalea, whose Korean name is "Dallae", a 19-year-old female chimpanzee, smokes a cigarette at the Central Zoo in Pyongyang, North Korea on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016. According to officials at the newly renovated zoo, which has become a favorite leisure spot in the North Korean capital since it was re-opened in July, the chimpanzee smokes about a pack a day. They insist, however, that she doesnít inhale. (AP Photo/Wong Maye-E)

Azalea, whose Korean name is "Dalle", a 19-year-old female chimpanzee, looks at her keeper at the Central Zoo in Pyongyang, North Korea on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016. According to officials at the newly renovated zoo, which has become a favorite leisure spot in the North Korean capital since it was re-opened in July, the chimpanzee smokes about a pack a day. They insist, however, that she doesnít inhale. (AP Photo/Wong Maye-E)

Azalea, whose Korean name is "Dallae", a 19-year-old female chimpanzee, lights one cigarette from another at the Central Zoo in Pyongyang, North Korea on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016. According to officials at the newly renovated zoo, which has become a favorite leisure spot in the North Korean capital since it was re-opened in July, the chimpanzee smokes about a pack a day. They insist, however, that she doesnít inhale. (AP Photo/Wong Maye-E)

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