Have you heard of the prophecy of the German Alois Irlmaier? He predicted that the Third World War will start in the Balkans!

Have you heard of the prophecy of the German Alois Irlmaier? He predicted that the Third World War will start in the Balkans!

Everyone has heard of Nostradamus and Baba Vanga and their predictions, but little has been said about the German who is said to have lived in the first half of the 20th century.

According to, Telegrafi reports, it is about Alois Irlmaier, whose prophecies have not been talked about that much.

As it goes on, it is about the man who, after World War II, helped many find their loved ones.

He was accused of witchcraft, but acquitted by a judge. Irlmaier described to him exactly what his wife had done that day and how she was dressed.

And Irlmaier wasn't the only man who helped people find their loved ones. In 1950 he is said to have predicted the Third World War.

According to his predictions, it is inevitable, but he added that it will happen in the Mediterranean and the Middle East and this area will be the scene of clashes between the great powers of the world.

But, always according to his predictions, as writes, everything will start with murder in the Balkans.

"Everyone will call for peace. Suddenly there will be a war in the Middle East, which will increase, large naval forces will confront the enemy in the Mediterranean, and the situation will be very tense. But the real spark will be ignited in the Balkans. Two men will kill the third, high ranking. They will be paid by other people. I think this will happen in the Balkans, but I cannot confirm it. Revenge will soon take place. After this murder, the world war will begin", predicted Irlmeyer.

He also said that a "yellow dragon" will conquer Alaska and Canada simultaneously. When the golden city is destroyed, the war will begin.

"The year before the war will be very fertile and rich. War will come without warning, overnight. I see dust. I see three numbers. Two EIGHTS and a NINE. I don't know what it means and I don't know the date or time when it will happen", claimed Irlmajer. /Telegraph/

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Have you heard of the prophecy of the German Alois Irlmaier? He predicted that the Third World War will start in the Balkans!

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