Electrodermal Computerized Diagnostics (AMSAT)

Electrodermal Computerized Diagnostics (AMSAT)

Medical methods also require modern diagnostics. These devices work on the basis of electrophysical parameters in biologically active points of patients (electrical conductivity of skin complexes, galvanic conductivity (anode-cathode) and graduated temperature measured during unidirectional and multidirectional current, which provide objective information about the state of the organism and divide organs and organ systems according to pathology.

Dr. Rabit Sadiku Ph

Electrodermal Diagnostic System

AMSAT is based on the measurement of several minutes of current electrical parameters that make the presentation of biologically active reflexogenic points of skin areas and gives us an insight into the functional state of organ connections and organ systems. Based on the computer graphics, we get an overview of the condition of the patient's organs and organ systems according to the scale based on the comparison with the normal state.

This unique diagnostic system provides quick information on the functional state of the organism and presents the possibilities to control the dynamics of the patient's recovery during the therapies that are performed in our center, which are mainly based on these therapies: microwave resonance, acupuncture, massage, aerionizotherapy, relaxation autogenic. etc. Which are spreading more and are a very good basis for the treatment of psycho-somatic diseases. This opens up the optimal possibility of the technological cycle of treatment: diagnostics-therapy-diagnostics that enables the optimization of the process and the results of the treatment.

Working principle of the AMSAT system

Amsat-diagnostic system consists of a measuring block controlled by a personal computer, 6 measuring electrodes (foot, hand and head) as well as tracking software. In the diagnostic process, the test signal that acts on the patient is completely harmless to his health and does not convey any unpleasant feelings. Information about the state of the organism is obtained by making several circular intersections by scanning the electrical test signal along 22 directions and statistical analysis based on the nominal volume values ​​of the representative conductivity of the areas of the organism and with this also the connections of the organs and organ systems.

The graphics present the information and enable both the doctor and the patient to clearly learn about the condition of the organs and organ systems that are being viewed by making a comparison with the values ​​of the normal condition. The textual information comments on the functional state of the organism's connectivity, while the doctor-patient dialogue verifies the data and research results.

The capabilities of the AMSAT system

The possibility of knowing the functional state of the organism in the form of pictures that correspond to organs and organ systems.

* Checking the efficiency of the results during the application of microwave resonance.
* Analysis of dynamic changes in the functional state of the organism during treatment.
* Determination of urgent problems of the organism.
* Determination of the pathological character, using the personal computer file.
* Carrying out autogenous training and rehabilitation of sportsmen's injuries.
* Utilizing microwave resonance, computerized electrodermal diagnosis enables an optimal process and good healing results.

Efficiency of the AMSAT system

Based on the clinical results, the accuracy of the information on the state of the Organs and the organ system reaches over 80%. The value of the AMSAT results is much greater due to the exploitation of time, the permanent monitoring of the patient, as well as the correction of the condition with Microwave Resonance, wishing to have as many results as possible.

For patients who undergo (AMSAT), the following rules apply:
* You must have a normal (restful) night
* You should not drink coffee or tea on the day of the recording
* Do not use herbs preferably a day earlier
* Have regular bowel movements, the bladder should be empty
* You must remove all metals, jewelry, orthoses or prostheses before the incision
* Incision should not be done three days before and during the menstrual cycle
* You must have cotton underwear
* Recording is prohibited for people with pacemakers as well as those with different metals in their body

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