The life and work of the patriot Iljaz Agushi: Bujar Hoxha betrayed him, Ymer Pula killed him

By: Muhamet Pirraku (1944-2014)
In the historical memory of the Albanian people, the personality of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi stands on the pedestal of the Altar of Ethnic Albania: sage, benefactor, peacemaker, diplomat, brave leader and man of the state, dignified personality, with a national political forecast, Lighthouse in the Albanian Ocean of troubled from without and within. In the political and combat image of Iljaz Agushi, martyred, with brothers and with blood, for the entirety of Ethnic Albania, we have the Kosovar Albanian national personality, the most followed, the most anathematized, the most reviled, the most despised by the leaders of the Comintern communist organization Yugoslavs in the years 1941-1945, due to the fact that he was the most dangerous for their plans to the detriment of the Albanian issue that was waiting for a solution.
Although born in a civic environment, in Pristina, where Turkish was introduced as a family language, while Albanian remained "language for Tuesday" - for shopping with the peasantry - Iljaz Agushi had a vital love for the language of the nightingales of the village, as he called them. he folk rhapsodes. There was the slavish slave love for work, the more typical mountain Albanian love for relatives, the renaissance love for the history of the nation, the all-Albanian pride for the Albanian faith and for manly bravery, the willingness to sacrifice without price for the people and the homeland, the willingness to sacrifice for the freedom of Albania – One and indivisible. The people loved her and nicknamed her "Nana of Fukara and the essence of Albanianism!"
His brother, Xhemajl Agush Mehmeti, popularly known as Haxhí Xhemajl Aga, also worked hard for Albania's freedom and independence from the Ottoman Empire. However, Haxhí Xhemajli supported the efforts for Albania's freedom in Serbia, which betrayed Isa Boletini, Idriz Sefer, the Begolls of Peja, Ramadan Shabans of Kjeva, the Kryezites of Gjakova, and let's not talk about the minors: the Dinarifs (Llapushash), the Mullasyls (Stimjana). and the Hasahysens (Suharekas), the Rrustekabashes (Prizrenas), the Bajramcurrs (Gjakovaras) and many others with family surnames throughout Kosovo. Therefore, the consequences of the Balkan wars of the bitter weather of 1912-13, Haxhí Xhemajli, in front of the eyes of the people, were aligned with the Beylers who "sold Kosovo!". Disappointed by the exploits, he gathered his family and fled to Konya, Bursa and Istanbul. Since he had dedicated his life to the Albanianness of Kosovo, as much as he could, he could not give up his Albanianness, from the grave of his great-grandfather, Mehmet Thaçi - Mazrreku in Malishevë, nor from the grave of his father, Haxhí Agush Mehmet in Pristina. The two eldest sons: Mustafa (1900) and Iljazin (born on April 14, 1903), who finished their primary education in Pristina, were sent to the College of Philosophical Knowledge in Istanbul. After they finished with distinguished success, he hired them at the Post Office of Istanbul, where the political activity of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi began, the secure connection between the Albanian Committee of Istanbul and the "National Defense of Kosovo" Committee based in Shkodër. This connection also happened due to the fact that Hoxhë Kadri Prishtina, the chairman of the Committee "National Defense of Kosovo" was the son-in-law of Vushtrri, Sylejman Pasha, of Drenica origin, uncle of Haxhí Agush Mehmet. Sylejman Pasha was the first cousin of Hasan Prishtina and Zejnullah be Vushtrri, father of Hoxhe Kadri Prishtina.
In fact, source data and family memories prove that Iljaz Agushi was connected to the Albanian National Movement at the age of 14, precisely in the Albanian Cultural Club of Istanbul. Here he swore in front of the Skanderbeg Flag that "he will devote his entire being and existence to the ancestral homeland - the War for the liberation of Kosovo and the reunification of Ethnic Albania!" In 1922, Hasan be Prishtina and Xhemajl be Sylejman Pasha, second cousins, who from the end of 1918 lived and worked in Shkodra and Tirana, wrote to Iljaz to influence his brother, to return the family to Pristina and continue early efforts for the Albanianness of Kosovo and for free Albania! Haxhí Xhemajli also received a request to return to Kosovo from Prishtina, precisely from the sorcerer and great scholar, Sheh Mehmet Sezai, signed by Nazim Gafurri, who was the honor of the Albanian manhood of Pristina. An unsurpassable "Salam", in this direction, to Haxhí Xhemajlit, this time was also received by the major politician, Ferat be Draga, chairman of the National Political Organization "Xhemijeti" (Union). Even Iljaz Agushi's uncle, Urtaku Murat Aga (died in 1926), did not object to this unanimous request and, without delay, in 1922, most of the Agushi Family returned to Pristina, to the houses and part of the properties of himself.
Indeed, the Agushi Family from the end of the 19th century could be considered the fourth Door of Pristina after the Gjinollajs, the Muftilers (sons of Emin Aga of Upper Moravia, who also gave pashalars for Pristina and Skopje) and the Sulejman saw Pristina. The brother of Xhemajl and Murat, Mehmet Agush Mehmeti, prominent merchant and patriot, poisoned by the Turks in Thessaloniki, was prominent in the establishment of the Agushi Family. Herein lay the mystery and intimate drive of Hajj Xhemail Agushi for revenge against the Ottoman captor, even in support of Serbia.
For the rapid national political "rehabilitation" of Haxhí Xhemajl Agushi, after his repatriation to Pristina, the personalities mentioned above also strongly influenced. Haxhí Xhemajl Aga - Agushi immediately jumped into the national political movement of "Xhemijeti" and, in 1923, was elected deputy of this party for Pristina, in the Parliament of the Serbo-Croatian-Slovenian Kingdom, alongside Nazim Gafurri. However, Haxhí Xhemajli will achieve full national political respect before the people after the connection of the new krushki with the Sylejman Gate before Pristina. Iljaz Haxhí Agushi will marry the daughter of Xhemajl be Sylejman Pasha, with features of this great-grandmother from Drenica, one like Leonid of Albanian Thermopylae in Merdar and Përpallac, in October 1912, against the attack of the invading army of Serbia in Kosovo. This was the only organized and Albanian-commanded resistance of Kosovo against the penetration of the Serbian army into the Albanian land in 1912. The other leaders of the Albanian Uprisings against the Ottomans of the beginning of the XNUMXth century, with support in Serbia, did not have the face to invite the people against the Serbian invaders, because the fighting force had been crushed in confrontations with the Ottoman army, so Kosovo was practically conquered by Serbia without encountering the Albanian resistance that it was expecting.
Martyr of the nation, Apostle of Ethnic Albania - Iljaz Haxhí Agushi - very early on he distinguished himself with political wisdom, knowledge and love for people. The first teacher who never failed was Haxhí Xhemajlin, who quickly returned the authority, supported not only by the political activists mentioned above, but also by the peasant population and its leaders. The young man distinguished by wisdom and love for work and for the nation, Iljaz Agushi, until the beginning of the 30s worked as a rentier (he had several water mills inherited from his father and mother), and now he was entrusted to led the family economy, but only as a shadow of his brother, Mustafa, who had grown up before his time and stood out for his sensitivity and love for his fellow citizens and the nation. Truly, Mustafa Agushi had grown into a personality whose nobility and patriotism will stand out throughout his life.
Really. from the end of the 20s of the century. XX, Iljaz Agushi was also entrusted with the administration of the Foundation of the Islamic Community of Pristina, later he also served as his assistant for the fulfillment of his duties as a very respectable representative in the Club of Albanian Deputies in the Parliament of Yugoslavia. From the second part of the 30s, we find Iljaz Haxhí Agushin a member of the Governing Council of the Organization of Muslims for the Albanian villages outside London-based Albania and Director of the Foundation of this Community, based in Skopje, which administered the ethnic Albanian villages and historical beyond the borders of London Albania.
In 1936, Iljaz Agushi's wife died, leaving four sons, all minors, to whom Iljaz's sister, Behixhja, was the most noble woman Tirana knew during the time of Enver Hoxha. Iljazi (as well as Behixhja) will never marry again even though he was young, only about 33 years old. There were many marriage offers and there was great coercion from his father to get married, but he refused manfully: "My wife went with my father's goods (Xhemajl be Prishtina, who devoted his life to the freedom of Albania (Lived as a fugitive in Tirana) , without the wife), so I can never laugh at his wife, not even now that She is in the grave...!"
The activist of the Albanian national issue, Iljaz Agushi, will from now on dedicate himself to the national policy for the liberation of Kosovo and the reunification of Ethnic Albania. After his death, in 1938, Iljaz Haxhi Agushi was elected a representative in the Parliament of Yugoslavia for Ferizaj's seat, and from this moment Iljaz Haxhi Agushi's real high political career begins, worthy of the national state positions that will enjoy them from April 14, 1941- October 27, 1943, when he will be martyred by the Albanian communists of Pristina-Gjakovaro-Tirana.
Although relatively young, but matured before his time, Iljaz Agushin was distinguished by his undisturbed dignity, with smooth Albanian words, although with a Turkish accent, a personality with an extraordinary unifying ability for connecting around him deputies and Albanian political personalities with affiliation different parties. This is due to the fact that Iljaz Aga, as the people called him, especially from the peasantry, based his practical political activity only on Albanianism as a fighting party. In the Albanian history of Kosovo, namely of Eastern Ethnic Albania in general, no personality can be found who had around him more leaders, more ulema, more traders, more industrialists, more politicians, more pupils and students, more sick and sick, more needy - so it was a more supportive Personality. It is true that the deputy of the government list of the JRZ (Yugoslav Radical Community), Haxhí Xhemajl Aga - Agushi, supported by the leaders of Llap, Gallapi, the Kosovo Plain and Drenica, had become a dam against migration of Albanians in Turkey, having the support of Ferat be Draga, unique in the history of the Albanian War for the Liberation of Kosovo. Behind this activity stood the dignified young man, Iljaz Aga - Agushi, who was the unifying force that kept united, even the explosive Ferat be Draga, the supporters and comrades in the General Front of the Albanian Political Resistance Against the Serbs.
In the days of the retreat of the Yugoslav army before the German and Italian forces, on April 13 and 14, 1941, Iljaz Agushi will escape the Serbian massacre thanks to the wisdom and courage of Sheh Mehmet Sezai, (the drafter of the Political Program of the "Xhemijeti" Organization in 1919). who hid Iljaz "somewhere under the soil of his pyre..."). From the beginning of the second part of April 1941, the army of the Italian Fascist conqueror renewed the Municipality of Pristina by putting a Serbian mayor and clerk at its head. Iljaz Haxhí Agushi, in support of the scholar and spiritual leader, Sheh Mehmet, invited the population of Llap, Gallapi, the Kosovo Plain and Drenica to "wear" the white, national Albanian pleats (even those who never they had carried them earlier, especially the absolute craft, commercial and civic generosity part), and come to Pristina, with their presence testifying to the Albanian affiliation of the majority in Pristina and its surroundings. On foot, as in the Miners' and People's March in 1989, or in the March for United Mitrovica in 2000, over 30 people, among them with lethal weapons, occupied Pristina. This campaign could not fail, as the two of our time failed, because the ideator and "supreme commander", without any failure, was the leader of the nation Iljaz Agushi, supported by the people ready for sublime sacrifice for Freedom. At the head of the mass dressed in Albanian, before the eyes of the Italian occupying army, Iljaz Agushi ordered the mayor and the Serbian officials to leave the Municipality Building, otherwise they would be killed by the revolted population. The request was met without objection, and Iljaz Agushi called out to the crowd: "He declared it open to the Municipality that represents the population of the country...! and as leaders with authorization to appoint the employees, we authorize two strong men: Mustafa Abit and Ahmet Salihu, former close associates of Nazim Gafurr...!"
Under the circumstances of a popular enthusiasm, under the waving of the Skanderbeg Flag, the Prefecture of Prishtina was also declared established. Iljazi did all this activity "in the name of the Albanian King" on the basis of the agreements he had with the Albanian diplomacy of London Albania since at least 1935. The people who manifested Albanianism and freedom, Iljaz Agushin, by acclamation, appointed him Prefect of The Prefecture of Pristina, which will aim to administer the eastern part of today's Kosovo, including Drenica. And, with a rush, turning night into day, Iljaz Agushi set up municipalities in the area of Pristina, Fushë-Kosova, Drenica, and Shtime, appointing popular personalities who had shown the unifying ability of the people during Yugoslavia as presidents. Versailles. He went to Mitrovica and presented to the German commander the all-Albanian request for the union of Mitrovica and Sanxhak of the New Market with the Albanian King, which aimed at the reunification of the Albanian lands. From there he arrived in Ferizaj and in a popular meeting, under the waving of the National Flag, he established the Subprefecture of Ferizaj, uniting the greater part of Upper Morava with the Albanian King.
From here Iljazi went to Prizren, helped consolidate the Albanian power in the Prefecture and asked the German Command for the Kosovo Area to order the union of the provinces of Gjilan, Llapi, Vushtrri, Mitrovica and Sanxhak with Albania. From there he came to Gjilan, which was targeted by fascist Bulgaria, and under the waving of the National Flag he installed the sub-prefect and the mayors of the municipalities in most of Anamorava. And, this sub-prefecture, as before that of Ferizaj, was joined to the Prefecture of Pristina, in fact, to Albania, which was reuniting with great difficulty.
The prefect of Pristina, Iljaz Haxhí Agushi, is especially supported by the economic strength and the great authority of his brother, Mustafa, the national philanthropic charities: Shyqyri Be Ramadan Beu and Stak Mark Mirdita, and especially the authority of the father Xhemajl Be Sylejman Pashë Pristina, now just returned from Tirana, without delay renewed the close ties with the Kosovo Committee of Bedri be Pejani in Tirana, which united the fat of Kosovo Albanianism, and invited his masses, with Bedri be Pejani at the head of they came to Kosovo and without delay visited the Albanian villages under the Hitler administration, to convey the vital Albanian demand that the villages of the Kosovo Province, where Serbia and Nedici still claimed, under the Hitlerite rule, unite with the Albanian King, as a solution fairer for the New World Order aimed at by the Nazi-Fascist Axis. Therefore, the Underground of the Italian fascist propaganda I will consider Iljaz H. Agushi as the number one Albanian of the "Grande Ufficiale" category, against Ferat be Dragës who was considered the number one of the "Grand Corobne" Albanians.
The sober-minded patriot, Iljaz Haxhí Agushi, at the same time connected with the collaborators from the period of activity in the Faqefi of the Islamic Community in Skopje, activists of the Albanian Resistance Movement for Skopje, Kumanovo, Tetovo, Dibra, Gostivar, Kirçova, Struga, Ohrid and Manastir and asked them to strengthen the political activity for the union of those countries with the Albanian King. The followers of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi, united with the progressive national and communist student youth, organized the historic national demonstration of Skopje, in which the entire city and its surroundings took part, all wearing white Albanian pleats, with the sublime request: "Skopje is i our...! Skopje is a navel city wrapped in ethnic and historical Albanian land...!"
The first and biggest work that Iljaz Agushi did to prove the Albanianness of Pristina, at this time mainly Turkophone Albanians in the family, was the opening of the "Sami Frashëri" Lyceum, which he initially provided the primary conditions for work, with his own means. Under the patronage of Iljaz, the first Albanian national show will be held in Pristina, prepared by the students of this high school. An inspiring moment from this event has remained in the historical memory. The scene when a girl with a scarf in her hands was unfurling the Albanian flag irritated the fascist captain, Arbëresh Antika, who got up to leave the hall. The wise patriot, Iljaz Agushi, opposed him without hesitation: "Mr. Captain! Don't try to get out by stepping on the Flag...! Whoever violates the Albanian flag will pay with his head...!" This incident, thus, became the most important part of the first Albanian performance at the "Sami Frashëri" gymnasium, namely in Kosovo, which was being liberated from the chains of Serbo-Yugoslav slavery. In reality, on August 12, 1941, Rome had announced the "Royal Law Decree on the lands that make up the intriguing parts of the Albanian Kingdom", in which the Laws of 1939 would be applied. However, the Prefect of Pristina, established by the people, did not stop the activity political for the full inclusion of the former Province of Kosovo (which, after the Albanian League of Prizren until October 1912, had over 32,900 km2) in the Kingdom of Albania, even under the royal crown of Italy, as a stage transient necessary.
Since Iljaz's efforts had the universal support of the masses, for the union of all the Albanian vices outside London Albania with the Albanian King, he will be nominated and, on December 3, 1941, he will become a member of the Government Cabinet of the Albanian Kingdom. Mustafa Merlika - Kruja, an accomplice and most loyal friend of Hasan Prishtina from the Taxation Plot, at the beginning of 1912 - was nominated as prime minister for the organization and direction of the General Albanian Uprising for the liberation, autonomy and finally Independence of Albania from the Empire. Ottoman.
Since IljazHaxhí Agushi had long experience in the management and administration of the economy of the Prishtina and Skopje Waqf, with social, national and state interest, he will be appointed Minister Secretary of State for World Affairs in the Cabinet of Mustafa Kruja. This was an important ministry for the country's public affairs. He will hold this post in the three Albanian government cabinets until the capitulation of Fascist Italy. In the two governments of Malik be Bushati and in the government of Ekrem be Libohova, from mid-January to mid-September 1943, in addition to the post of Minister for World Affairs, Iljazi was also Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of the Albanian Kingdom, so he was the second public man in Albania that acted for the reunification of all Albanian ethnic and historical countries. He is the only senior Albanian state personality, who from December 3, 1941 to September 14, 1943, had no failure, no leadership crisis, always a conciliatory and unifying factor in Albanian governments.
The period when Iljaz Haxhí Agushi exercised the state duties mentioned above, is the time when most of the Albanian lands, for the first time, experienced the benefits of the national state in the fields of construction, health, education, of information, land reclamation, land transportation, telecommunications, economic development, national state spatial planning, etc., but we will not stop here in detail. However, here is the historical moment to state that Iljaz Haxhi Agushi donated the magnificent mosque to Ferizaj, next to the Orthodox church, state violence to the Yugoslavs, and thus gave this city, the administrative center of the Subprefecture, and its surroundings the Albanian identity. Iljazi, indeed, was the blue Eminence for the Albanianness of the Albanian Lands that were being liberated from the Serbo-Yugoslav colonial power.
The man of the Albanian state that was being restored, Iljaz Agushi, thanks to his courage and pure patriotism, made the most of the position of the Minister of World Affairs and the position of organizing and strengthening the National Defense of Kosovo from the end of 1941, respectively from the beginning of 1942 and became the backbone of the efforts for the full administrative state reunification of Ethnic Albania. This was clearly seen from his speeches in the popular rallies of February-March 1942, in Pristina, Ferizaj, Gjilan, Peja and Prizren. In these rallies, he connected, with acclamation, the traditional Albanian "Besa-Besa" to become lord of the swamp, the ancestral land! For these purposes, he used all the fabulous wealth that the Agushi Family had. The patriotic efforts of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi in the National Defense of Kosovo and the efforts for the reunification of Albania, the Regional Committee of the PKJ for Kosmet will qualify them as "quisling work" in the service of "the quisling government of Mustafa Kruja"!?!
Indeed, in March 1942, exactly when it was seen that the Albanian masses in "Tokast e Lirueme" in Iljazin saw the Messiah of Albanianism and the Albanianness of the Albanian lands outside London Albania, the propaganda machinery of the PKJ will label and brand it as " traitor of the Albanian people...", while in May of that year he will call him: "part of the fifth column"!?! And the Regional Committee of the PKJ for Kosmet, in July 1942, saw in Iljaz Agushin the luminary for "Greater Albania", this Serbian chauvinist notion of the late 1942th century. At the same time, the Italian pro-fascist Albanian underground, through the officials of the "Albanian Fascist National Party", eavesdropped on Iljaz Agushi's private conversations, even the most intimate ones with his most loyal friends. There are dozens of reports by Muhamet Çeta, Muharrem Xhedik and Dervish Bejler, sent to Kolë Bibë Mirakaj, who, from May XNUMX, took the place of Professor Jup Kazazi - chairman of the Albanian National Fascist Party. In the reports from Pristina about Mirakajn, Iljaz Agushi was now portrayed as an "old-minded" personality, "feudal beyler", "pro-Turkish Islam" (!?!) and was presented as the main obstacle in Kosovo against the Nazi-fascist aspirations of Mussolini and Hitler for The New European Order. His elimination from the political and governmental scene was required, at any cost, to facilitate the replacement of Iljaz Agushi's national cadres in the municipalities, sub-prefectures and prefectures, with cadres dedicated to fascism, Catholicism and the royal crown of Italy.
From September 1942, the Serbian Communist-Chetnik and Italian Fascist dagger to shoot at the honesty, wisdom, patriotism and readiness for priceless sacrifice of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi, for the Albanian nation, was taken in hand by the commander of the General Staff of the Partisan Aradhe Cosmetologist, Fadil Hoxha. As the PKJ saw Iljazin as the leader of the Albanian current for the reunification of Ethnic Albania, with the aim of "taking power from the occupier at the moment of its inevitable break", the partisan commander of Kosovo, in November 1942, saw Iljazin in head of the list of "reactionaries", founder of the "Front of Peasant Kreshniks for National Defense" of Kosovo, so he insulted him stupidly: "To you, dirty dogs and servants of the occupier: Iljaz, Sefedin, Rifat, Xhevat Begolli, Kajtaz, A. Shower. Pal Lumez, Kryezi, S. Goran, F. Dragë, K. and P. Bib(...), there will be no son on earth where he can hide from the judgment of the people...!" Time proved who had been in the position of "loyal dog", in the service of foreigners, in the role of gravedigger of Albania's freedom, constantly threatened by the Serbian-Yugoslav colonial appetite.
The archival and journalistic source data, but also the historical memory of the people, clearly speak that Iljaz Haxhí Agushi and the Albanian governments in which he was increasingly more than the second string of the couplet, tried and acted politically and militarily for the realization of the reunification of Albania as a whole, ethnically neutral to the world conflict, in the example of Sweden and Turkey. Iljaz Agushi's commitment to the illumination of the Serbo-Malaysian Massacre of Bihor, January 5-6, 1943, and the Peja Market Square by the Italians for the interests of the Albanian-phobic Serbian PKJ, on March 21-22, 1943, increased the confidence of the people towards him.
For the reunification and protection of the ethnic and historical Albanian part of Rozhaja, Bihor, Sjenica and New Market, Iljaz Agushi, with his own money and family expenses, recruited and armed 6,000 volunteers, Creshnikas wearing death shirts, for the entirety of the ethnocultural and geopolitical unit of Albania. The degree of Iljaz's determination for these goals was well illustrated by his verbal duel with the Italian commander, General Roto, who commanded Kallje e Peja - according to the trap of the PKJ Organization with dirty connections of prostitution: "Sir! These Serbs have good daughters and they gave them to you too, while we have good ones, but we only have them for ourselves...!" Iljazi pronounced this judgment on General Roto, in Peja, in the presence of Tafil Boletini and other superiors of the Prefecture of Peja.
The commitment to the illumination of the Tragedy of Bihorin and Peja, as a measure to prevent such horrific Serbian Chetnik-communist scenes, in support of the Italian army and carabinieri, made Iljaz Haxhí Agushi to be seen as a savior for the Albanians and Albanians of Kosovo and of Sanxhak, and subsequently as a promoter of the National Defense of Kosovo in Shale of Bajgora, in Llap and in Gallap, in Eastern Kosovo (which now the idiot Albanian politicians call "Presheva Valley"!?!) as well as throughout Illyria (former Western Albanian Macedonia). On the occasion of the reappointment to the post of the Ministry of World Affairs and the Deputy Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister in the Government of Ekrem be Libohova, who belonged to the ballistic political organization of Mid'hat Frashër, the newspaper "Tomori i Vogël", on May 13, 1943, stated that Iljaz Haxhí Agushi "is one of the most hopeful and cultured elements" of Kosovo. The concept of Kosovo, in this period, meant all the Albanian lands annexed to the Kingdom of Serbo-Croatian-Slovenian, in 1919, in Versailles.
That the leader of the nation, Iljaz Haxhí Agushi, was the most dedicated person and the most unwavering credibility in the Albanian government cabinets of the time for the realization of the whole of Albania at any cost, will be understood from the data that will be mentioned briefly, in the following : From the second part of July 1943, it was clear that the capitulation of Fascist Italy was counting down the days. Iljaz Agushi belonged to the neighborhood of rare Albanian personalities who tried to create the Joint Albanian National Liberation Front of all Albanian political and military directions against Nazi-fascists. He continuously, and almost semi-legally, influenced the release of anti-fascist Albanian communists from prisons in Pristina, Prizren, Pejë, Shkodër and Tirana. Let us mention here only the release of the martyred communist patriot Idriz Ajet-Gashi, Meto Bajraktar and Rashid Deda. R. Dede's wife, Melihate Deda, lived in Iljaz Agushi's family while her husband was in prison, and from this family she received the proper food that she sent to Meto and Rashid for the time they were in prison. Melihati, who was a sister of Iljaz Agushi, from the middle of November 1944 discovered and denounced the Order of the Main Staff of the UNC of Serbia, that Serbian, Malaysian and Macedonian Puritans during the final operations of the war "against the German occupier ", actually for the reconquest of the Albanian lands which the Versailles Conference recognized to the Serbo-Croatian-Slovenian Kingdom "to kill at least 50 percent of the Albanians...!"
Let's also note the fact that Iljaz Agushi, even twice received, in the Prime Minister, the delegate of the partisan commander of Kosovo, the anti-fascist patriot Hajdar Dushin and, finally, on the eve of the resignation of Benito Mussolini, he held a confidential meeting with Fadil Hoxha, in Ferizaj. On this occasion, Iljaz Agushi finally warned the partisan commander, Fadil Hoxha: "No connection with Belgrade will lead the Albanian people to freedom...!"
It was this lesson from the historical experience of the Albanian nation. The unparalleled sacrificial patriot for the time, Iljaz Agushi, knew that the Anti-Fascist Movement was right and necessary, so he offered the Albanian National Liberation Movement of Fadil Hoxha and Enver Hoxha unsparing political support and material aid, provided that the LNCSh to develop politically and militarily unique for the whole area of Ethnic Albania, with a political center and a military command for the whole of Ethnic Albania. He demanded from the Albanian communists that the unresolved Albanian issue be internationalized as a pan-Albanian issue and not as a partial provincial issue. The leader of the nation, Iljaz Agushi, for this mission also had the blessing of the Anglo-American military missionary in Albania, with whom he had several reliable meetings.
State Secretary - Minister of the Ministry of World Affairs, at the same time Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Albania, Iljaz Haxhí Agushi, held the meeting with Fadil Hoxha in the apartment of Pjetër Cica, military commander of the Army of the Kingdom of Albania, closely connected with the PKJ Organization of the Ferizaj District. In the company of Iljazi Agushi in the meeting with Hoxha e Cica, there was the Anaferizaj patriot Ismail Gorani, a former Vice-prefect of Ferizaj and now one of the most important donors and organizers of the National Defense of Kosovo in Eastern Kosovo. This meeting took place on the night of July 23-24, 1943. Iljazi will leave for Tirana, urgently from there, on July 24, 1943, right on the eve of the change of power in Rome. On the way he said to his brothers: "They are asking me to return to Tirana, immediately...! The next time, when you come to Kosovo, if the need for the Freedom of Albania requires it, which we did, as we could, you will pack your weapons, in the mountains of Kosovo. It is not easy for us to ensure the Freedom of the nation, without Freedom there is no life...!"
That Iljaz Haxhí Agushi and the governments in which he had the say after the One of the state (and sometimes also in the name of the One), sold and paved the way for the independence and neutrality of the whole, ethnic Albania, can be seen from the call that Iljaz Agushi, on behalf of the Government, he addressed the Albanian people, on July 26, 1943, one day after the resignation of Benito Mussolini, calling that act - " internal Italian event...". In the name of the head of state of Ethnic Albania, Iljaz Agushi invited the Albanians to stay "calm, each one in charge of his duty and work", because "the Government has taken the necessary measures to ensure order and world peace".
It should be emphasized here that in the Mukje Agreement, on August 1-2, 1943, between the political and military forces of the anti-fascist Cominternist LNCSH and the democratic ones of the National Front and Legality, Iljaz Haxhí Agushi had a major role as a politician purely national. On this occasion, the "Committee for the Rescue of Albania" was formed, Iljaz Agushi's vital dream. In Tirana there was support, as in himself, in: Mustafa Krujën, Hasan Dostin, Ejup Kazazin, Xhevat Korçën, Qazim Koculin, Lec Bushatin, Avni Gjilanin, etc. He never hid his sympathy for the King of the Albanians - Ahmet Zogut - but he had a very intimate liberating relationship with Fejzi Alizoti, Bahri Omar, Skënder Muço and Hysni Lepenica, the last two outstanding ballistas, loyal followers of Mid'hat The strawberries.
The organization of PKJ for Kosmet, having full knowledge that Iljaz Agushi was the driving force of Kosovo and beyond, which ensured the Historical Decisions of Mukje, will without delay call on the Albanian people of Kosovo and beyond, not to they heard "the traitors of the Albanian people: Iljaz Agushin (...), the former Yugoslav spy, and now the servant of the occupier..." (!?!) This was an open propaganda lie. Patriot Iljaz Agushi was always far from being a spy and servant of the occupiers. In fact, the partisan commander of Kosmet did not hesitate to deepen the communist slanders and throw mud on the Albanian political personality among the most dignified of the time: "No, Agushovic, we don't eat those olive kernels", because the Albanian people have to bring freedom to the LNC. - of Kosmet with the "Main Headquarters at the front. This path is the path that our brothers are following in Albania" (!?!).
The national anti-fascist political foresight cultivated with dissidence by the Libohova-Agushi Cabinet reflects the content and messages of the last two documents of this Albanian government. In the appeal signed by Prime Minister Libohova, on September 9, 1943, addressed to the nation on the occasion of the capitulation of Fascist Italy, it was stated: "My colleagues and I were convinced that, in the ongoing human struggle, Albania could not play any role ", therefore we remained neutral towards the warring blocs, in order to, at the right moment, "with a single voice defend our legitimate rights". He then invited "everyone who has Albanian blood, from Pristina to Konispol and from Ulcinj to Tetovo, to gather around the national flag" because "our salvation lies in unity, order and discipline!"
The other document is the Decision of the Government of the Kingdom of Albania, approved under the presidency of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi - on the independence and neutrality of the Albanian state in the extension of the ethnic and geopolitical area of Albania, which, at that time, was considered to still cover about 74,000 km2 of the Balkan land, inhabited mainly by ethnic Albanians. This decision was also public information for the nation and the world, in which it was specified:
"Today (on September 11, 1943), the Ministerial Council in the Extraordinary Meeting, under the chairmanship of His Excellency Iljaz Agushi, Deputy Prime Minister of Zav. The Prime Minister reviewed the situation in Albania with the capitulation of the Italian army and with the arrival of the German armies on our land.
After the announcement was made that the German armies are coming to the Albanian land as friends only for the necessity of the war,
After it was established that the Great German Reich looks with sympathy at an independent Albania with borders determined by language and blood, and it is the most protected place,
The Njizan Ministerial Council decided:
1) Complete Albanian independence is announced,
2) The government assumes all sovereign powers until the new Assembly is elected,
3) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense are created,
4) The reorganization of the Albanian armed forces will begin immediately,
5) The published rule will be kept at all costs".
What more could Iljaz Haxhí Agushi do, in the circumstances of an international conflict of Imperialist Powers for world domination? Urtaku Llapjan, Mulla Hysen Statovci, Beytezhinj poet and spiritual leader of the Kadirinj, commenting on this political and diplomatic act, in 1982, will state: "Iljaz Agushi fulfilled the oath; The union of Albania corner by corner...!"
The Libova-Agushi cabinet, on September 14, 1943, handed over the governance of Albania to the Provisional Executive Council, composed of: Rexhep Mitrovica, Xhafer Deva, Lef Nosi, Mehdi Frashëri, Patër Anton Harapi and Fuad Dibra, etc. This Council had to carry out the election of the representatives of the prefectures for the National Assembly of Albania in the Albanian ethnic and historical area.
Yes, on September 14, 1943, the Initiative Council of the Second League of Prizren met in Prizren, while the Founding Assembly of the League was opened on September 16, 1943, under the chairmanship of the Urtak scholar, Musa Efendi Shehzade of Prizren, a close friend of Sheh Mehmet Sezai and of Iljaz Agushi, also this national martyr of Bloody November '44 in Prizren. In the Founding Assembly of the "Second Connection of Prizren", which continued its work until September 21, the Prefecture of Pristina was represented by: Shyqyri Ramadan Bey, the two brothers of Iljaz Agushi - Mustafa and Jusufi, a student in the last year of his studies in philosophy near the University of Zagreb, prominent activity of the Albanian Liberation Resistance Movement from the beginning of the century. XX, Stak Mark Mirdita, urtaku Hajrullah Lebib Begu, Mehmet Shaban Pasha, Sylejman Ashkiu and others. While Jusuf Agushi and Mehmet Shaban Pasha will represent the Prefecture of Pristina in the Central Committee of the League, Iljaz's older brother, Mustafa Aga, with supreme authority in Pristina and the surrounding area, was the second person in the Branch of the League for the Prefecture of Prishtina, after the mayor Shyqyri Ramadan Beu, the charity of the nation, who had for support as in Shkëmbi e Bjeshka, Ustah Stak Mark Mirdita, "working" craftsman in Pristina from 1889. Third; Mustafa, Shyqyria and Staka are among the first Martyrs of Ethnic Albania from Bloody November '44, in Pristina.
Let's also state this fact: Most of the delegates of the Founding Assembly of the Second League of Prizren were longtime collaborators and friends of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi. It is well known that behind the Convocation of the Founding Assembly of the Second League of Prizren was the teaching and request of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi, even the engine that made the preparations for this Assembly, Asllan Isa Boletini (a man sworn, just like Ilazi, to correct the consequences of of the War against the Ottoman Empire with support in Serbia, martyred in Bloody November '44, in Pristina), was a brother of Iljaz Agushi, as well as Sefedi and Xhevat Begolli, sworn to correct the damages of the ancestors in the War against the Ottoman Empire with support in Serbia (also martyred in Bloody November '44, in Peja). Thus, the partisan commander of Kosmet, Fadil Hoxha, denouncing the Second League of Prizren as an Albanian Nazi-fascist organization, called it an instrument of Iljaz Agushi, Xhafer Deva, Sefedin Begolli and Tahir Kolgjin "with the company". Even the partisan commander in Iljaz and Tahirin saw the inspirers of Albanian nationalism.
At this point, the Partisan commander, Fadil Hoxha, was right, who, still at this time, had mostly Serbs and Malaysians dressed in Albanian clothes and with Muslim names. Indeed, even though the occupying systems had been changed from the Italian fascist to the German Nazi, Iljaz Haxhí Agushi, nor Tahir Kolgjini, could not be taken to the margins of Albanian state politics. Even now, we find Iljaz in the list of 29 representatives of the Prefecture of Pristina for the National Assembly of the Albanian State, on October 16, 1943. The organization of the PKJ and the General Staff of the Partisan Aradhe of Kosmet escorted him carefully and with determined the political activity of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi and were convinced that even now Iljaz Agushi had many supporters, even more followers, and more comrades within the Albanian ruling and military circles of the time, sworn fighters for the establishment of the idea of a complete Albania, Ethnic also as a result of the solutions that would follow after the final victory of the Anglo-American Antifascist Bollock. Therefore, the KPJ Branch in Kosovo would order the physical liquidation of the leader of the Albanian nation, Iljaz Agushi, who was known to be aiming to solve the Albanian Question with support in the Anglo-American Western Democracy.
The strategy for the liquidation of Iljaz Agushi was worked out in Ferizaj, precisely in the apartment of the soldier Pjetër Cica, former commander of the Army of the Kingdom of Albania, and now Vice-Prefect of Ferizaj, closely connected with the PKJ Organization for the Ferizaj District, as well as with the partisan commander of Kosmet, Fadil Hoxha. The names of most of the communists from Prishtina, Gjakova, Shkodra and Tirana, who prepared the assassination, are known, but also the names of the three assassins, out of four in total.
According to the authors with strong Enverist convictions and defenders of the LANÇSH, contemporaries and connoisseurs of the event: Shaban Ruka and Kadri Dingu, in the book "Tirana of shares and barricades (1939-1944), Tirana in 2003", concluded: "With On October 28, 1943, there was an assassination attempt against Iljaz Agushi, former deputy prime minister of the Quisling government, who had participated against the anti-fascist movement Nac.-Çl. His execution was carried out by four guerillas, two entered his house where they hit him with three bullets, while the other guerillas stayed outside guarding the passageway since close to the building where he lived (Lana Palaces) a ward of German Gestapo. The action was carried out by Bujar Hoxha and Shahin Gjashta".
Two findings do not stand: the date of the murder and the information that Iljazi "had participated against the anti-fascist movement Nac.-Çl". It is known for certain that one of the Kosovar murderers was the Gjakova communist Ymer Pula. He has even admitted this fact himself, in a phone call with the editor-in-chief of Rilindja, Avni Spahiu, when a paper of mine with data on Iljaz Agushi's killers, marked only with initials, just came out. Y. Pula, finding himself in "YP", declared: "... Iljaz Agushi was a fascist and should be killed...! Why do you allow that Pirraku to write like that about traitors…?!?” (In another case, the complete "reaction" of Y. Pula and the reply of the editor-in-chief A. Spahiu will be published).
Indeed, Iljaz's maid, as well as that of Xhevat Korça, Iljaz's first neighbor, his close friend, but also the guest who was in the room with Iljaz, the former federal deputy of Pristina, Ismail Hysi (who will married Iljaz's sister, Behixha, if Iljaz's murder and his wounding did not happen), they knew well the blacksmith, Bujar Hoxha, whom Iljaz had a crush on (Bujar's mother, as mentioned earlier, had a crush on her) of your brother Iljaz's wife), but also a clerk in the Ministry of World Affairs, so you would open the door for Bujar as a friend, but he did not enter, he retreated outside, in defense of the two assassins. Inside Iljaz's apartment entered the two murderers, unknown to Iljaz and Ismail, namely the tyrant Shahin Gjashta (he had six fingers on one hand) and Ymer Pula. Bujar Hoxha himself, on November 28, 1992, in front of the Independence Monument in Vlora, had admitted to me that he had gone to Iljaz's apartment as a "connoisseur" for the assassins, that one of them was Ymer Pula. I published this confirmation for the lives of B. Hoxha and Y. Pula. Many of his contemporaries, Kosovar communists, knew that Ymer Pula was one of the assassins against Iljaz. For this fact, among others, two chiefs of the Provincial and District Militia of Kosmet have left dictated, even tonic testimonies: Shaban Kajtazi and Ismail Zenuni (Captain Lleshi of the film "Uka i Bjeshkeve i Nemuna").
Meanwhile, in the Report of the Albanian State Prosecutor's Office - for the Ministry of Justice, on October 30, 1943, written with an unreasonable delay, it was stated: "We have the honor to inform you that on October 27, 1943, at 18 p.m., two people they entered the apartment of the former Minister of World Affairs Iljaz Agushi, born in Pristina and a resident of Tirana, and they killed him. They gave him six wounds. Ismail Hysit, but without a dam. Deputy State Prosecutor, Kemail".
The murder of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi was taken upon himself, without delay, by the General Headquarters of Partisan Aradhe of Kosmet, which informed: "Tirana, October 28. The hand of popular justice fell on the traitor of Kosovo, Iljaz Agushin (...). The number one traitor has paid with his own head for all the crimes. Let his friends think well. If they continue on his path, they will also meet the same fate...!” So, date 28 is the date of the report that Ymer Pula made to his superior, Commander Fadil Hoxha. And, in March of 1944, the Organization of the PKJ Kosmet informed the KC of the PKJ that "At the forefront of the Albanian reaction until now has been the minister Iljaz Agushi, who was killed."
The murder of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi caused national mourning throughout the area of Ethnic Albania. Iljaz himself, during his lifetime, many friends, especially from July 1943, advised him to be careful that he could be killed by the communists. However, the Albanian Man of the Earth, without hesitation, replied: "I don't believe that there can be an Albanian who will raise a finger at me...!" He started from the fact that he had dedicated his life and property to the nation, to Albania as a whole, ethnically, to its freedom, without party alignment. Iljazi recognized only Albanians and only Albania as a party. He was also an ardent poet. He wrote in the Turkish language and some verses in the Albanian language, since the 30s, in his early manhood. On his work desk, in the apartment, the police found two verses of Patër Gjergj Fishta, a credo and oath for Iljaz Agushi's political and combative life activity: under shkja!", written by the hand of Marie Shllaku, former technical worker of Pater Fishta in Qele and clerk (copyist) of Iljaz Agushi in the Ministry of World Affairs, later clerk of Xhafer Deva, and at the very end of the life of her, comrade-in-arms of Ukë Sadiku (shot in 1947) and political and combat collaborator of professor Ymer Berisha (killed in 1946) - Albanian Orlean, martyr of the "National Loyalty" Organization for Ethnic Albania, alongside Ymer e Ukë (supporter of continuing the patriotic political activity of Iljaz Agushi), shot in 1946, in Prizren.
The dead body of the Apostle of Ethnic Albania - Iljaz Haxhí Agushit, was brought to Pristina on October 29 by the faithful collaborators, Avni Zajmi and Maliq Koçuri. On both sides of the causeway, especially from Kukësi to Pristina, the people welcomed him, a living fence. In Prizren, in Therandë, in Carralevë, in Lypian, the people stopped the truck carrying Iljaz Agushi's lifeless body, and paid tribute to his Albanian patriotic work. In front of the coffin with the martyr's body, the Albanian National Flag was flying in the "destroyed" truck. The religious service for the corpse of Iljaz Aga was performed by Mulla Ali Rusha of Pristina, prominent for Albanianism since the beginning of the 20th century, under Ottoman captivity. Iljaz Aga will be escorted to the New Cemetery of Pristina, with a military tribute to the statesman. He will be buried where, on November 2003, XNUMX, we inaugurated the modest grave monument (designed and technically realized by the author of this article), but with the symbolism that the work of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi and the Albanian Motherland, which is still languishing from violent fragmentation, deserve . The funeral of Iljaz Agushi was attended by the popular Albanian pariah, intellectuals and patriotic soldiers from the entire ethnic and historical area of Albania. The fat of the nation took part.
In front of about 200 Hoxhallars from all over the Albanian region of Liberated Kosovo, stood the teacher of Albanian patriotism of Pristina, Sheikh Mehmet Sezai, while the imam of Garrison IV of the National Army of the Albanian State, the legendary commander of the National Defense of Eastern Kosovo, Mulla Idris Gjilanin, he was accompanied by colonel Rexhep Gjilani and captains: Mark Dredha and Shefqet Bylykbashi. Mulla Idrisi, hardly repeatable in the land of trees, in the obituary for Iljaz Agushi, among others, called him a Martyr and "the Witness of the Albanian nation", and at the same time "the most peaceful man I knew" who with "... advice, with a pen , with money and rifles, tried to reunite Albania". He concluded his speech with the historic request: "God willing, with the burial of the body of Iljaz Agushi, the body of Ethnic Albania, which Iljaz made, - the noble of the homeland and religion, a star that will never be extinguished , because he lived, tried and became the sheikh of the Country...!"
This wish of the Great teacher of Albanian patriotism forced me, as an inviolable trust, to engrave the Map of Ethnic Albania on granite at the head of Iljaz Agushi's grave, which is currently undergoing its sad fragmentation even with the participation of Albanian speakers in name of Kosovo, of the Albanian nation and the surrogate "Kosovar nation"!?! In the Kryeshnoshje (Të pamën) for Iljaz, the Minister of the Interior of the Albanian State, Reverend Xahafer Deva, will state, among other things: "In the Monument for Free Albania, the name of Iljaz Agushi must be marked with the letters t 'gold...!'
However, these values and these messages of the great Albanian being of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi could not be tolerated by the PKJ Organization. And, while the commander of the partisans of Kosmet, in April 1944, was still threatening the Albanian patriots "that all those who will follow the path of Iljaz Agushi will be killed!", a Sulejman Omer Hajro i Fadil Hoxha, alias Pvle Jovičević an albanophobe (one like Rashid Efendia alias cap. Rasha Pantiq, companion on the ground of Isa Boletini, namely one like Bajro Efendia alias cap. Bozha Simiq, companion on the ground of Idriz Sefer), threatened with death the ideological descendants of "Albanian traitors; Sefedin, Rifat and Xhevat Begolli, Iljaz Agushi, Ferat Draga and other beylers".
Time proved that the Albanian cominternist Hoxhes and the Albanian-phobic Serbian non-vigils were not fooled. The data prove that until the death sentence of the Albanian amazon, Marie Shllaku, in 1946, in the blood-drenching mountains of Kosovo, the OZN and the UNÇJ, supported by the Security of Enver Hoxha (Koci Xoxa), liquidated: with hammer, knife, fire and bullet about 860 former political collaborators of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi: popular leaders, military, ulema, priests, members of the National Defense of Kosovo, activists, fighters and commanders of the "Albanian National Democratic Organization" (of the student Halim Orana), of the "National Faith" Organization (of Professor Ymer Berisha) and of the "Movement for the Liberation of Albanian Lands" that connected, in June 1946, the first two into a national liberation front.
In Prishtina, in the first days of the Serbian Communist-Chetnik reoccupation, from November 19, 1944, among the first to be arrested were the leaders of the Second Prizren League Branch of the Prishtina Prefecture: Iljaz's older brother, Mustafë Haxhí Agushi, Shyqyri be Ramadani (the owner of the land where today you are building the Rugovo-Shangjidian "Roman Catholic Cathedral", political violence just like the Milosevic Serbian Church in front of it in the Courtyard of the University of Pristina) as well as the underground of the "Grand" Hotel). The other great man of the nation, Stak Mark Mirdita, is the most striking martyr of Bloody November '44 throughout the Albanian land. On the night of November 23-24, after being tortured for days with indescribable mental and physical cruelty, they threw him alive into the fried bakery of the owner Sava Viktoviqi and turned him into a Phoenician spit of Albanianism. Pristina. And, subsequently, from the Door of Stak Mark Mirdita, Serbian communists, Malaysian Albanians and Turks shot two nephews and three sons of Staka, members of the National Defense of Kosovo - Martyrs of Ethnic Albania, and at the same time arrested and liquidated them, by shooting public or secret about 70 personalities from Pristina, former supporters and collaborators of Iljaz Agushi. The common grave of all these is considered "Strelishta" (place of shootings) at the head of the park "Tauk Bashqe", this Association of Historians of Kosovo "Ali Hadri", since December 2004, aims to erect the Memorial Monument "Bloody November" '44" where the names of all the Albanian patriots shot from November 19, 1944 will be marked, eventually with the shot members of the ONDSH led by Ukë Sadik - Gjon Serreq in 1947.
Iljaz Agushi's first cousin, Iffet Murat Agushi (1922- March 25, 1995), ONDSH activist 1945/47, left poetic, very important information about the imprisonments and shootings without trial, in Pristina and Kosovo. educated in Ottoman, French and Albanian, from Iljazi and his brothers. The Albanian poet in the Turkish language, with the Turkish national alphabet frashëriot, Iffet Agushi, wrote her first verses in 1937, under the care of Iljaz, the poet, at a time when Albanian was more forbidden than the ball for Albanians. Here we will suffice with just a few verses. Let's start from the refrain of the poem: "Kosovo malangjyese", written on September 25, 1945, at the Pedagogical Course in Skopje, for Albanian school teachers: "Oh Kosovo, oh proud field, bloody on every side...!" And, on October 27, 1945, as a very important activist of the NDSH Organization, the only woman as such in Kosovo, she issued the dedication to the patriotic youth: "Wake up, the motherland is waiting for its sons/ the motherland is thirsty for blood/ calls for help/ What are you waiting for!" Because "From the right side, from the left side/ You can hear the crackle of machine guns that mow down hearts/ You can hear the sounds of pickaxes that open new graves/ The black enemy writhes shamelessly/ The barbarian Slav has gone mad...!"
And, on July 20, 1946, on the eve of the Third Congress of the Movement for the Liberation of Albanian Lands (Congress III of the National Front) in Blinaja, as an activist and careerist of the Movement for the Liberation of Albanian Lands on the route: Pristina - Drenica - Skopje ( Embassy of Turkey), Iffet was now calling to Kosovo: "Don't worry. Stay free/ there is someone to extend your hand/ we are already awake" and ended: "Youth is your salvation/ Unfortunate Kosovo/ Your mountains were covered with spilled blood/ They will break this chain/ Only their hands of iron, Kosovo!? In this digression we have the testimony of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi's teaching and legacy for the Albanian generations. Iffet went to the pedagogical course to fulfill Iljaz Agushi's bequest: "Iffet, only learning Albanian makes you Albanian!".
And, we can ask: If those hundreds of Iffeti's poetic verses were Albanian, what would happen to the author, several times in the hands of OZN and UDB?!? The children of Mustafa and Iljaz, as well as their brother Jusuf and sister Behixhe, and other grandmothers, will grow up in Tirana, in Italy, in Syria, with their identity and dignity trampled, everywhere, as "Turks" in Istanbul and as "Kosovar" in Tirana (originally as "Yugoslav)!?! Only Mother Mejrem, the daughter of the prominent personality Ali Efendi, a well-known Prishtina resident, persisted: "My boys have fallen for Kosovo. He will never let go. I want my body to be laid to rest near Iljaz's Tomb...!"
The communist government took Mother Mejremi out of her own Saraj (for years it was the "28 November" Technical High School, but now it is being used as a building for the Historical Archive of Pristina), a place inherited from her father and erected in her name, on 1938/39. They didn't even leave the Albanian underling of Prishtina's patriotic boyhood in the Palace of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi (built in 1942), where the State Television of Kosovo is currently located. The Yugoslav military power, in 1946, confiscated 1989% of the wealth inherited by the descendants of Haxhí Xhemail Agush Mehmet Thaçi - Mazrrek, i.e., Mustafa, Iljaz and Yusuf (died in Istanbul, in 44), who longed for Kosovo. from Bloody November 'XNUMX.
Aunt Mejrem passed away in 1948, in great misery. Nor was she buried in accordance with her bequest, because the public burial next to Iljaz's grave would be a complaint for the UDB against Iljaz Haxhí Agushi's Mausoleum, which was erected by his brother, Yusufi, only a few months after the murder, with the text Ottoman literary, very magnificent, very rich in history, written by the famous myderrizi, Sahit Efendi Skopje, former deputy of Kosovo for Skopje in the Parliament of the Ottoman Empire, political collaborator of Hasan Pristina and Nexhib Draga, and handcuffed with them in Kalemegdan , from the end of November 1912. The famous scholar Sahit Efendi was liquidated by the OZN in the Kazamat of Idrizova in 1946. He left behind only two daughters, who moved to Turkey. I did not have the courage to remove the Ottoman inscription on Iljaz Agushi's gravestone memorial, this too, therefore, historical violence for the Apostle of Ethnic Albania and for the Albanianness of Pristina and historical Kosovo, not even from the Gravestone Monument of 2003, knowingly that history is not aborted, and even more its bloody part. In the text, among others, it was said that Iljaz Agushi was the Minister of the Albanian Kingdom, so how could I lose him, how could I undo him?!?
Truly, the Apostle of Ethnic Albania, Iljaz Haxhí Agushi, during the period of monist Cominternist rule in the area of Ethnic Albania, led two lives, diametrically opposed, the admired popular life and the politicized historiographical life. In the official Albanian historiography of Tirana, Iljaz Agushi was denounced as a "quisling minister", "enemy of the people", liquidated by the partisan guerrilla unit of Tirana. His name in this historiography has not been mentioned more nor many times. Meanwhile, on the wall of one of the "Palaces of Shallvareva" (on the Lana River), at least until May 9, 1993, there was a bronze inscription: "Here on 28.X.1943, one of the guerrilla units in Tirana killed one of the traitors of the enemy of the people, the former deputy prime minister of the traitorous government" (!?!!). I asked Iljaz's descendants in Tirana not to be removed by family violence: "Let it remain as a tangible stain on the Albanian Cominternist conscience...!" They listened to me, thanks to the warlock Ali Mustafa Agushi, who kept his own brothers and the peace-loving sons of Iljaz in "zap".
In Tirana and elsewhere in London-based Albania, from March 1980, every time I had the opportunity to reach among friends in the general masses, for Iljaz Agushin, I recorded dozens of project impressions, from the ranks of nationalists and communists. Iljazi, indeed, is the only personality in the Albanian governments of the Second World War, about whom no remark can be heard, except: "...he spoke Albanian with a Turkish accent...!" The former, the nationalists, expressed their indignation at the murder of a pure Albanian, while the latter, the communists, felt as though they were mad at the murder of Iljaz.
The opinions of the first, of the nationalists about the life and the famous tribal and construction political activity of Iljaz Agushi in Tirana, who lived in the historical memory of the masses, as popular opinion of the national underground of communist Albania, can only be reflected with the dissidence of Tafil Ahmet Boletini, grandson of Isa, anti-fascist, clerk and prefect in the years of the Second World War, ideologically close to Iljaz Agushi's political worldviews: "Uncle, if there is a patriotic person who wants Albanianism, who wants Albania, who wants Kosovo, is Iljaz Agushi. Whoever laid hands on him has committed the biggest crime against the Albanian nation...!" - he had repeated, many times, to the communist Enver Dajçi, former political cadre of the partisan army in Albania, in Kosovo and again in Albania (founder of the "Partisan Aradha of Rakoshi" in the summer of 1944).
For the opinion of the second, the communists, let's be content here with only a very brief and symbolic finding, of the Tirana economist, Mr. Beqir Hushi, a fighter of the 1943rd Brigade of the UNCCS in 60, after the War party secretary of the Durrës District (which also included Shijak, Mati, Burrell), and inspector in the Ministry of Agriculture (of Hysni Kapo). B. Hushi, in the 17.07.2006s, happened to be a neighbor of Iljaz's nephew, Ali. He will tell me: "I asked some friends of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about Iljaz Agushin and they told me: 'He took the muddy waters for nothing, he went like a well bucket - with nothing'"(Durrës, XNUMX)!? !
Meanwhile, the Albanian communist opinion of Kosovo can be said to be summed up in the finding in the "Memoirs" of Ismet Shaqiri, political and combatant collaborator of Fadil Hoxha and Ymer Pula: "On Iljaz Agushin fell the hand of partisan vengeance"!?! And what could historians do, in general, for the illumination of Iljaz Agushi's life and political and national activity, in the circumstances of the existence of such political anathema, in conditions of Titist and Enverist cominternist captivity, when the life and work of Iljaz Agushi were punishable political taboos?!?
The popular opinion about the greatness of Iljaz Agushi in the captured Kosovo and in the anti-Yugoslav patriotic political exile of Kosovo in the world, can be outlined with the conviction of the popular urtaku, Mujë Loshi from Drenica, who during the National Reconciliation Movement 1990-1992, often repeated to the peace-making youth: "The people will never forget the Men of the Earth like Iljaz Agushin and his friends, who tried, fought and fell for Albania, where bread is called bread, and water is called water...!" Meanwhile, the invincible, simple soldier of Ethnic Albania, as Hysen Tërpeza called himself, had Iljaz Agushin as his idol. According to him, "Iljazi was a pure patriot, the greatest and most honest man from Kosovo that I knew...!"
I, a relatively good connoisseur of the unwritten national history, can state: Iljaz Agushi is a personality of the neighborhood of Skënderbey, Myderriz Ymer of Prizren, Mulla Haxhí of Zeke and Hasan of Pristina. The legend Adem Jashari eats bread alone, not with knowledge but with the readiness for sacrifice beyond the Biblical-Qur'anic of humanity, this heroism that made these Men of the Earth return to Ethnic Albania, the sublime value of the Albanian patriotism, forever. Truly, the Oath of the KLA soldier 1993-1999, is only a sublimation of the requests, efforts and inviolable oath of the ancestors and descendants of the idea and national projection of Iljaz Haxhí Agushi, bequeathed to the Albanian generations, in the future!
At the very end, concluding, I see the way to bring a vital request of mine, for Iljaz Haxhí Agushin. On October 22, 1994, I finished and published the long article, entitled: "Iljaz Agushi - Apostle of Ethnic Albania", which I concluded with the statement: "Science owes Iljaz Agushi a more complete testimony - A historical scientific monograph , and the Albanian Government should award Iljaz Agushi with the highest rank that the Disciples of Ethnic Albania deserve...!" Meanwhile, the article: "Lighthouse in the turbulent Albanian Ocean", published in 1996, on the 53rd anniversary of the murder, concluded with the request: "We invite the Presidency and the Parliament - the Commission for the Marking of Historical Dates and the Decoration of National Personalities for the Day of Flag, November 28, 1996, to decorate the Martyr and Apostle of Ethnic Albania, Iljaz Haxhí Agushin (1903-1943) with the highest medal of the Albanian nation!" The old Latins have left an eternal lesson for the enslaved peoples: "Sangius heroum semen libertatis" (The blood of heroes is the seed of freedom)!
We keep the request for the allocation of the highest decoration at the national level for the Martyr of the nation, Iljaz Haxhí Agushin, alive, always, as long as the state institutions of Albania and Kosovo will not fulfill it, meritorious for the vital interests of the nation's vitality. Albanians torn apart even under the conditions of the proclamation of the national freedom of the peoples by the United Nations Organization, these are hostage to the demands for political, military and economic supremacy of the de facto Pan-Slavic Russia in the face of the demands of the USA, proclaimed as democratic. /Published for the first time in 2009/Telegrafi/
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