Who is Khaby Lame and what does he do, the immigrant who lost his job due to the pandemic and now goes crazy on TikTok with 65 million followers

Who is Khaby Lame and what does he do, the immigrant who lost his job due to the pandemic and now goes crazy on TikTok with 65 million followers

His parents chastised him for devoting himself solely to posting videos instead of seeking a more traditional source of income. But he became famous with a formula that crosses all boundaries.

During the first days of March 2020, due to the pandemic, Khabane Lame lost his job as a laborer in the city of Chivasso, in northern Italy. As a result, he had to return to live with his family in a modest apartment.

His Senegalese parents watched him spend hours every day posting videos on TikTok instead of looking for another job as he had been told. Under the name Khaby Lame, the 21-year-old went viral with his reactions to absurdly complicated videos that showed curious ways to perform simple tasks, such as cutting a banana or using a device to put on shoes, among others others, reports Telegrafi.

His videos showed him reacting without words and showing easy-to-understand ways to perform the same task more easily. His followers love the classic move he performs, extending his arms as if to say "look how simple" and offering an expressive roll of the eyes or a nod of the head. It was these types of clips that catapulted him to global stardom.

Today he has more than 65.6 million followers on TikTok and this number continues to grow.

"It's my face and my expressions that make people laugh," Lame said in an interview. Their silent reactions, he said, are a "global language".

Although Lame is known internationally as an Italian tiktoker, he is not a citizen of Italy.

He does not have Italian citizenship, despite living in that country since he was one year old, attending an Italian school and being a Juventus fan, but at the same time he claims: "Honestly, I don't need a letter to to define himself as Italian" and added that the lack of a passport never brought him any problems. "At least until now". /Telegraph/