What are "sex pimples" on the face? Why do acne breakouts happen?

What are "sex pimples" on the face? Why do acne breakouts happen?

Nothing ruins the feeling after sex more than discovering a huge pimple on your face

It's true that sex can do a lot of good for your body and mind, but it's also true that sex-related factors can trigger the appearance of whiteheads, blackheads, or even cystic acne for those with fair skin. prone to acne.

We know the last thing you want to think about when having sex is whether or not it's going to leave you with acne, but below you'll find an explanation of what "sex pimples" on your face are, the biggest triggers of them after intercourse and, of course, how you can prevent each of them.

What are "sex pimples" on the face?

"Sex pimples" on your face can be two different things: a rash after sex, or a skin condition that you may have developed from intimate and close contact with someone who has some kind of breakout or skin infection.

If the "pimples" on your face appear as red cheeks, spots or breakouts, it's possible that you're simply experiencing a healthy and normal body response to sex due to increased blood circulation. This rash occurs after orgasm or sexual stimulation and disappears within a few minutes to a few hours.

If it lasts longer, it could be something else, and that brings us to the possibility of an infection you may have picked up from skin-to-skin contact. Don't pretend to be doctors. See a professional as soon as you can to get the right treatment and care.

Can hormones released during sex cause acne?

"There is no clear evidence that sexual activity can cause or worsen acne," says dermatologist Kseniya Golubets. However, acne is complex, and we must remember that the causes of acne can be complex and multifactorial, says dermatologist Gloria Lin.

The opposite can also happen, but just as sex can cause acne, it can also help reduce acne breakouts. As mentioned before, we know that sex can do a lot of good for our physical and mental health. In fact, "regular sexual activity can have long-term effects on hormone regulation and stress reduction, which can potentially lower the risk of acne," says Dr. Lin.

However, what we do know is that acne can be caused by things related to the process of sexual activity, such as sweat, your partner's chin, pillowcases, and contraceptives. Let's consider in more detail:


Why they can cause acne: Any physical activity can cause sweating. Sex, especially if it's more energetic, can turn into a real sweat session. The result? Sweat, along with sebum, dirt and bacteria, can clog your pores, leading to acne, explains Dr. Lin.

What you can do about it: Dr. Lin says that if possible, you should shower immediately after sweaty sex to prevent skin breakouts. If this is not feasible, an easier tip to follow is to avoid putting on clothes right away and allow your body to cool down a bit. This will prevent sweat from sticking to your skin, leading to more breakouts.

Other ideas? "Wiping the skin with tissues can also help in an emergency, if showering is not possible, as well as removing makeup before sex," says Dr. Lin. Alternatively, Dr. Golubets recommends using something with salicylic acid or a gentle cleanser to ensure your pores are clear.

Beard and facial hair

Why they can cause acne: If you're kissing your partner's beard during sex, it can lead to a type of breakout known as "acne mechanica." Basically, this is a form of acne that is created through friction, leading to excess oil production, which creates a moist and perfect environment for bacteria to grow.

What you can do about it: Cleaning the area that came into contact with the beard immediately after sex can help. Also, you and your partner can clean your face before sex.

Bed covers

Why they can cause acne: If your partner's room is littered with open bags of potato chips or you have to wade through old towels and dirty linen to get to your bed, it's safe to assume that the bed sheets are in the same state of disrepair. bad. "Leaving dirty sheets and pillowcases can cause acne breakouts because of the dead skin cells, grease and bacteria that can build up on unwashed fabrics," says dermatologist Kaleroy Papantoniou. Pillowcases are especially prone to harboring these bacteria, says Dr. Golubets. They collect facial oil, hair products and a variety of other bacteria.

What you can do about it: The solution here is quite simple: "Change bed sheets at least once a week or after heavy sweating," says Dr. Lin. However, it may not always be possible to do this every week, but you should prioritize your pillows, as they hold most of the bacteria. Buying an extra set is a good idea, so you can easily change them every week.


Why they can cause acne: Hormonal acne is a whole different story. Several contraceptive options can do wonders for your skin; others, however, can have the opposite effect. To put it simply: Hormones cause an increase in sebum production, and since some contraceptives do just that (ie, release hormones), it's only natural that you may experience more acne if you've started using them or changed your method. use.

What you can do about it: The number one tip in this case is to consult a certified professional. Some types of hormonal acne can only be treated with intervention through prescription medication or steroid injections, but trying to deal with it on your own can often make the problem worse, says Anabel.


Simply put, sex alone won't magically cause acne breakouts. However, some aspects of sex can affect this. The main causes associated with acne? Sweat, beards, bed covers and contraceptives. Although it is recommended to consult a professional for the latter, other problems can be solved with proper hygiene and cleaning as quickly as possible after the act, to reduce as much as possible the possibility of contact with the bacteria that cause acne. /Telegraph/