The mining cooperation between Kosovo and Albania is deepened

The mining cooperation between Kosovo and Albania is deepened

The Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Besa Zogaj-Gashi, hosted a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Energy and Industry of Albania, Gëzim Musabelliu, with whom she discussed deepening cooperation in the mining field between the two countries.

On this occasion, Deputy Minister Gashi informed her counterpart about the achievements, namely the commitment of the Government of Kosovo in the field of mining and geology.

"Within the framework of the legal reforms and the completion of the secondary legislation, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has foreseen that in the mining sector there will be investments in scientific research capacities, which will influence the opening of a new perspective in raising the utilization capacities", said Zogaj- Gashi, affirming that cooperation with Albania in this field is satisfactory and that the two Governments will intensify this cooperation.

According to her, the priority of the Government of Kosovo is to support and encourage investors in the research and use of these resources.

The number two of MZE, speaking about the cooperation of the Geological Services of the two countries, said that this cooperation is already giving the right results.

"The excellent cooperation between the Geological Service of Kosovo and that of Albania has led to the preparation of the project, which is of interest to the two institutions for competition in the Horizon 2020 project, financed by the European Commission, which will be presented to the Commission on April 5 European", said Zogaj-Gashi.

On the other hand, Deputy Minister Gëzim Musabelliu said that cooperation in the mining and geological fields for the two countries is of great importance, which would develop the economies of both countries.

"Both countries, Albania and Kosovo, have mineral wealth and cooperation in this field would help the economies of the two countries. We should also look at cooperation in the field of training new staff in the two countries", said Musabelliu.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister Gashi has informed Musabelliu that the Government of Kosovo has already formed the Commission, which will draft the draft law for Trepça, this process directed by MZE.

Otherwise, the two parties have agreed on the intensification of further cooperation in the mining and geological fields. /Telegraph/