The speech of Shaban Polluzha and Mulla Ilaz Broja in Sanxhak, in the fall of 1941

The speech of Shaban Polluzha and Mulla Ilaz Broja in Sanxhak, in the fall of 1941

The war of the Albanian volunteer forces under the command of Shaban Polluzha, Bislim Bajgora, Pajazit Boletini, etc., in November 1941 had reached the northernmost parts of the territory of Sanxhak, inhabited by Albanians and Bosniaks. Shaban Polluzha says to the brave Albanians, upon reaching Duga Polâne, the northernmost village: "Dear brothers, we have come here to carry out a holy mission; we are here to protect the families endangered by the rabid Chetniks. As you know, Serbian criminals have killed and massacred the innocent population of this country. We, when we have had the opportunity, have always helped vulnerable peoples. Therefore, in this context, this mission must be understood, which primarily has a humanitarian and human character. But, with this we also protect a part of the Albanians who live in these parts. I wish that the war goes well and I believe that we have the strength and morale to expel the Chetnik hordes from bloody Sanjak".

Mulla Ilaz Broja

The father of Faruk Spahija (the mayor of Mitrovica in 2000-2005), Ibrahim Spahija, has confirmed to the journalist Muhamet Mjeku that his father, Ilaz Spahija (known as Mulla Ilaz Broja), also addressed the fighters in Duga Polana. has emphasized that "your mission is human and that someone may fall on the front line, so greet each other. You are right with God. Blessed priest"! He sang the prayer of the dead to the warriors, saying that "none of us know if we will stay alive, so if we die I will fulfill this religious obligation".

A wing of volunteer forces came from Peja, Rugova. Among the many men from this side was Mulla Zeke Berdyna. Many battles were fought for the defense of the New Pazar (Novi Pazar). Mulla Zeka stood out among the volunteers as a brave, loving, wise man who always knew how to motivate the fighters in difficult moments, reminding them that one must fight for the nation, because that is what God says. According to the bazaars, one of the volunteer units that fought an uncompromising war, and that stood out for its bravery and combat strategy, was that of the wise and brave hoxha, Mulla Zeke Bërdynaj from Radavci, who led 400-500 volunteers.

Mulla Jakup Kombi

But the Chetnik attack continued on November 21, 1941, apparently with larger forces. Then the villages from Pozhega to Vučenić were burned. However, the city was again successfully defended. The balance of the victims was: 42 Chetniks killed, 26 defenders dead, 45 others injured. Chetniks killed 20 helpless people - women and children.

The next Chetnik attack was more specific. They deceived the Germans by informing them that the New Market may have fallen into the hands of the partisans - communists. Therefore, the Germans set out on December 4, 1941, somewhere around 9:00 a.m., to attack the city together with the Chetniks. But when they realized that they were deceived, they returned to Rashka. Chetnik units also returned with them.

This fact illustrates the specific and complicated situation. The return of the Germans also marked the end of the bloody conflicts, the balance of which was heavy losses: from the middle of July to the end of December 1941, a total of 756 Bosnians, Serbs and Albanians lost their lives. 2,792 houses were burned. The territories of pre-war municipalities suffered the most: Pozhega, Tërnava, Rajetiqi, Dezheva, Postijenjë, Bijele Vode and Nikolaçë.

Mulla Zeke Berdynaj

Even in moments of greatest danger, Muslim mercy was expressed. There was not a single Serbian family in the city that did not have a guardian for their safety. Sometimes entire families were engaged in this humanitarian task. The Council for the Protection of the City, headed by Aqif Blyta, decided that 420 Serbs of the city should be housed in the Pazari Ri district prison building, so that they would be protected. For this, the Muslim Militia stood out, led by the commander Mulla Jakup Kombi (Kardovic) from Bisheva, who came to the aid of the capital of Sanjak with hundreds of armed comrades from the Province of Rozhaja and from Bisheva. This action was carried out on November 6 and 7 and lasted until December 7, 1941.

Jakup Kardoviqi (among Albanians known by the nickname "Kombi") was born in 1869 in Rozhajë. He comes from a family of ulema. Jakupi graduated from Madrasah (Ruzhdi) in Skopje and was one of the three madrasahs of the entire Rozhaja district. He spoke and wrote, apart from Albanian, Bulgarian, Turkish, Persian, Arabic, German, Italian and Serbian. The Second World War found him in Tutin, where he served as mayor for two terms. There he created a great friendship with the residents of the tri-border area of ​​the Sandjak region.

When Pazar i Ri and Senica were threatened with extermination by the Serbian Chetniks, Mulla Jakupi immediately organized the Rozhajas and those of Bisheva, as well as informed his friend in Kosovo, Shaban Polluzha, asking him to go to the aid of the residents of Pazar. New, because they were endangered. These two, in addition to Aqif Blyta, Xhemail Konicani and the Dreshević (Dreshaj) brothers, played a key role in the defense of the city.

Shaban Polluzha

After the Chetniks' first attack on Pazar e Ri (November 4, 1941), Aqif Efendi's call was answered by Shaban Polluzha with 3,200 soldiers and Mulla Jakup Kombi with about 2,600 more. Mulla Jakupi Efendiu was the most loyal man of Aqif Blyta. During the Chetnik attack on Pazar i Ri, Blyta entrusted 420 local Serbs (elderly, women and children), whom he sheltered in the premises of the District Court and in the city jail, to protect them from possible retaliation. to happen for crimes committed by the Chetniks.

Around Rozhaja, after the end of the war, there were several groups of Albanians who were hiding in the Haile mountains, in Kulle, in Bujhov and elsewhere. There was information about Mulla Jakupin that he was hiding in his house in Rozhaje. The communists described his murder as follows: "The goal was to capture him alive and hand him over to the relevant authorities for trial. Because it was a dark night and he was not tied up, at one point he tried to run away. The fighters reacted quickly and killed him."

Sak Fazlia

However, senior citizens claim that at the beginning of 1945, a group of partisans, among whom were some communists from Rozhaja, went towards Mulla Jakupi's house to arrest him. However, he did not surrender at his home. They had told him that they were forced to imprison him and that he should be tried as responsible for the murder of the Hamzagaj brothers in Tutin. It was already clear to him what was happening. Partisans were surprised by his appearance. One of them had said: "Is it possible that this old man did such miracles"?

On the way from his house to the building of the new government, at the crossroads of the main bridge of the Iber, on the left bank of the Iber river, one of the partisans brutally shot him with an automatic rifle behind his back and killed him. The partisans accused him of what had happened in the middle of the year in 1944, when the Dreshaj brothers in Tutin had executed the Hamzagaj brothers - who were among the communists.

The murder of Mulla Jakupi in 1945 was a warning to all the hoxhallars of the Rozhaja area, to deal "only with their work". Then comes the time when most of his family members moved to Tut, New Pazar, Skopje and Turkey. /Telegraph/