The secret of purple eyes of the famous actress Elizabeth Taylor

The secret of purple eyes of the famous actress Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor, in addition to being known for the films "Cleopatra", "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf", "Cat on the Moving Roof", was also noted for her purple eyes

Were her eyes really like that?

Due to her incredible acting talent, her screen presence was amazing and the audience was often mesmerized by her purple eyes, reports the Telegraph.

The appearance of the eyeball, the colored ring around the eyeball, depends on the amount of natural melanin pigment in it.

The more melanin in the pupil of the eye, the darker your eyes will appear, and the level of melanin is determined by your genes.

For example, the pupils of a person with dark brown eyes have more melanin than the eyes of a person with green eyes, writes The List.

"Actress Elizabeth Taylor's eyes had a very specific and rare amount of melanin," Norman Safra, chairman of the department of ophthalmology at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, told Live Science.

He added that eye color can also change based on light absorption. So wearing a white shirt will reflect the light and make the iris appear a little brighter.

Makeup can also contribute to this by attaching to a certain color and enhancing it.

Taylor often wore blue or purple eye shadow in photos to complement the natural purple shade of her eyes, or a dark brown shade and black eyeliner to contrast her unique eye color. /Telegraph/