Qytetet ruse Saratov dhe Engels, shtëpitë e bazave të mëdha ajrore dhe njëherit të bombarduesve strategjik – janë goditur nga sulmi më i madh me dronë që kur Moska filloi pushtimin e Ukrainës, kanë njoftuar zyrtarë rusë.
Engels është “shtëpia” e bombarduesve Tu-160 dhe Tu-95MS, që transportojnë raketa dhe bomba me rreze të gjatë veprimi dhe që u përdorën për sulm në Ukrainë.
Kjo fushë ajrore gjendet vetëm 600 kilometra larg kufirit me Ukrainën, transmeton Telegrafi.
Guvernatori rajonal i Saratov, Roman Busargin, ka konfirmuar sulmin në Telegram – duke theksuar se ekipet emergjente po punojnë pa ndërprerë në vlerësimin e dëmeve të shkaktuara.
Një zjarr i madh shpërtheu në bazën ajrore Engels – duke detyruar autoritetet të fillojnë evakuimin në zonën rurale.
“Për arsye të sigurisë, gjatë zjarrit në bazën ajrore – banorët janë evakuuar – të gjitha ekipet emergjente janë në terren”, ka shtuar Busargin. /Telegrafi/
The ammunition warehouses of the Engels-2 airbase in Saratov, Russia, have been struck. The secondary explosion was extremely powerful and devastated neighborhoods hundreds of meters from the base. A huge smoke plume is over the base.
The base is home of Russia‘s strategic… pic.twitter.com/L3jrONUIVa
— (((Tendar))) (@Tendar) March 20, 2025
‼️‼️‼️ Big news – At dawn, Ukrainians strike the Engels airbase of Russia’s strategic aviation in the Saratov region, about 600 km from the border, using kamikaze drones. Loud explosions are being heard at the site, and a large amount of ammunition is being destroyed. It is not… pic.twitter.com/20LjXqz9Yx
— Visioner (@visionergeo) March 20, 2025
Russia claims the “largest drone attack ever” on Saratov region, with the Engels-2 military airfield — home to strategic bombers — under fire.
Locals report thick smoke visible from a district 10 km away. Meanwhile, evacuations have begun for residents near the airbase. pic.twitter.com/944hPwYh4O
— KyivPost (@KyivPost) March 20, 2025
Russian Telegram channels report the largest drone attack on Russian Engels and Saratov, according to the local governor.
It is reported that evacuation was announced in the area of the local airfield (it hosts Russian strategic bombers that attack Ukraine). pic.twitter.com/SyqnzQQ4tH
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) March 20, 2025
Russian Telegram channels report this morning that Engels-2 airbase—home to Russia’s Tu-95 and Tu-160 strategic bombers, which regularly launch missile attacks onto the people of Ukraine—is now facing serious difficulties. pic.twitter.com/6uijALSmNq
— SPRAVDI — Stratcom Centre (@StratcomCentre) March 20, 2025
💥 Ukrainian Armed Forces’ overnight attack on Russia’s Engels
The smoke in the footage is a consequence of the attack on the military airfield. Locals claim that military ammunition depots are located there.
However, there is no official confirmation yet that the airfield was… pic.twitter.com/qWoXnP5ZpT
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) March 20, 2025