Poni i zhdukur gjatë vërshimeve, u gjet i gjallë në kulmin e një ndërtese (Foto)
Kushtrim Gacaferri
Pic shows: Leaf was rescued and brought back to safety.
Amid the scenes of devastation that saw large swathes of the country flooded the site of a miniature pony left trapped on a house roof after the waters receded has been welcomed.
The miniature pony named Leaf is used as a therapy animal by the Life Town Mabi organisation that offers care for OAPs at its base in the town of Mabi, in southern Japan.
The animal was swept away by floodwaters and last seen disappearing into a rain swollen river, leaving behind a flooded farm where she was looked after together with goats and other animals.
Staff working at the centre feared that Leaf, who is a nine year-old-mare, had drowned. The fear was confirmed when they organised a search party in the area and turned up nothing.
But then Mari Tanimoto, 49, who works at the organisation, said they got a call to say that Leaf had actually not gone far, and ending up on the roof of a house by the river.
Covered in mud, she had also injured one of her legs but was otherwise unharmed. Residents meanwhile are baffled as to how she ended up there insisting that the water levels never reached high enough to leave her on the roof.
Getting her down off the roof also posed a problem, and they fed her carrots in order to keep her calm while they devised a strategy that eventually involved bringing her in through a window.
Tanimoto said despite the difficulties she was so happy to see the tiny horse that she cried when they were reunited.
Another centre worker Masayuki Yoshida, 48, said: "I thought that she was already dead, but luckily she seems to have survived on the roof."
Leaf është poni i një familjeje në Japoni, që u zhduk gjatë vërshimeve dhe stuhisë.
Për disa ditë me radhë, njësitet për shpëtim e kanë kërkuar kafshën nëntëvjeçare, që shërben si terapi qetësuese për fëmijët, transmeton Telegrafi.
Mirëpo, njësiti nuk mund t’i besonte syve, kur një banor i dërgoi pranë një ndërtese, në kulmin e së cilës kishte përfunduar Leaf.
Leaf në kumin e ndërtesës
Pasi që niveli i ujërave nuk ishte aq i lartë, nuk dihet se si poni përfundoi në atë strehë, shumë larg zonës ku jetonte.
Të zhytur me baltë dhe me një këmbë të lënduar lehta, kafsha është futur nga shpëtimtarët nëpër dritaren e shtëpisë dhe u dërgua në hapësirën ku jetonte më parë. /Telegrafi/