Shtyu në binarë punonjësin e hekurudhës dhe u largua duke qeshur (Video)
Kushtrim Gacaferri
CCTC images of Andrew Kapta pushing the man on train tracks - A 41-year-old man has been sentenced to jail after he pleaded guilty at Blackfriars Crown court for one count of actual bodily harm and one count of endangering the safety of a person on the railway. Andrew Kapta of Twyford Avenue, Acton violently pushed a man onto the tracks at Hanwell station two minutes before a high speed train passed through the station. On Thursday 17 November at Blackfriars Crown Court, he was handed a 42 month jail term and ordered to pay £170 victim surcharge. Just after 5am on Friday 17 June Kapta walked into Hanwell station and walked erratically through the station over the next 45 minutes. He then sauntered over to his victim, a 50-year-old man, who was standing near to the platform edge awaiting his train. As he stood waiting for his train Kapta then ran up to him before fiercely shoving him. With no time to react, the victim then fell backwards, off the platform and onto the tracks. The victim immediately got up but was unable to climb back onto the platform, forcing him to walk dangerously to the end of the platform to safety. As he walked away, he could hear his attacker laughing and chuckling to himself. Two minutes later, a train moving at high speed passed through the station. A tragedy narrowly missed. Luckily the victim did not receive any long term serious injuries as a result of the shove. Picture: Universal News And Sport (Europe) 18/11/2016
Andrew Kapta është arrestuar, pasi e kishte shtyrë në binarë punonjësin e një hekurudhe në Londër, pak momente para se të afrohej treni.
Me të kryer këtë veprim, 41-vjeçari që ishte në gjendje të dehur, është larguar duke qeshur, transmeton Telegrafi.
Filmimi që ka bërë kamera e sigurisë, ka mundësuar identifikimin e të dyshuarit dhe më pas arrestimin e tij.
“Nuk di çfarë ndodhi, vetëm kur e gjeta veten në binarë. Nuk kam marrë ndonjë lëndim, por u frikësova shumë”, ka thënë viktima 50-vjeçar, që është inspektor i biletave. /Telegrafi/