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Shqiptari nga Kosova, pjesë e marinës amerikane (Video)

FORWARD OPERATING BASE GERONIMO, Helmand Province, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ñ Marines assigned to Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, depart a vehicle checkpoint and patrol back to Forward Operating Base Geronimo May 30. The Marines are a part of the H&S guard force, a group of mostly non-infantrymen who perform infantry duties in the H&S battle space. The patrol was the first the Marines had completed on their own without being accompanied by a platoon sergeant or commander. ÒTheyÕre doing really well, a lot better than I expected,Ó Cpl. Eric Ramirez, squad leader, said. ÒOut on patrol theyÕve been building their confidence. TheyÕre learning a lot and are motivated.Ó (Official Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Mark Fayloga)

Ish pjesëtari i Forcës së Sigurisë së Kosovës, Robert Shala, do të bart petkun e ushtrisë më të fortë në botë, atë të Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës.

27-vjeçari mori medaljen e marinës amerikane, por, sipas tij, rruga deri tek ky nderim nuk ishte e lehtë.

Shala ka thënë se të qënët pjesëtar i marinës amerikane kërkon shumë punë e disiplinë. /Klan Kosova/

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