Shoferja e dehur përplas 17 vetura teksa përpiqej të parkonte (Video)
Agron Shala
Pic shows: The woman driving into other cars. This video shows a drunk woman on the telephone as she tries to park ñ badly damaging 17 cars that were also in the car park. The incident happened in the city of Krasnodar in south-western Russia's Kuban Krai and was filmed by a schoolboy who was one of those who was powerless to stop her. The woman in a Chevrolet Aveo is seen talking on the phone as she drives around the car park hitting one vehicle after the other until she has left 17 badly dented and scratched. The incident happened on February 23, according to police, who said that the woman had been celebrating the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland. Eventually angry motorists of the damaged cars managed to stop her and Paul her out of the car where she was aggressive and making rude gestures and still trying to talk on the phone. She tried to leave the car park was held onto until police arrived, and confirmed that she was six times over the limit. (ends)
Në Krasnodar të Rusisë, një grua e dehur është përpjekur të parkonte veturën, ndërsa fliste gjatë tërë kohës në telefon.
Shoferja e shpërqendruar është përplasur në 17 vetura, duke shkaktuar dëmtime të konsiderueshme.
Të pranishmit janë munduar ta ndihmojnë, por ka qenë e kotë, sepse ajo ka vazhduar të voziste, transmeton Telegrafi.
Pronarët e veturave të dëmtuara, e kanë paraqitur rastin në Polici.
Testi që i është bërë, ka dalë se ajo ka qenë gjashtë herë mbi limitin e lejuar të alkoolit për vozitje. /Telegrafi/