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Rrezikon jetën e fëmijës, duke shtyrë karrocën derisa ngiste biçikletën (Video)

PIC FROM MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: COMMUTERS AND WORKMEN BOTH CHECK OUT THE PECULIAR SIGHT AS THE CYCLIST USES ONE HAND TO PUSH A PUSHCHAIR ON SHAND STREET IN LONDON CLOSE TO BOTH THE LONDON BRIDGE AND THE SHARD) This is the moment a stupid cyclist dad apparently pushed his daughter in a pushchair with one hand while riding his bike through London - with the tot in the middle of the road. John Newby, 41, was on his commute to work on his own bike when he overtook the cyclist and claims the girl was smiling and oblivious to the risk. The footage appears to show the father cycling close to the kerb but holding the pushchair further out in the middle of the road with just one hand on it - as he approaches a tunnel. The IT manager claims the dangerous manoeuvre left him shocked that a father would put his daughter in this situation and claims the stunt turned heads from other passersby. SEE MERCURY COPY

John Newby e ka filmuar në Londër një burrë të panjohur, që ngiste biçikletën dhe shtynte karrocën e fëmijës me njërën dorë.

Madje, këtë veprim të pazakonte ai e kryente në një rrugë shumë të frekuentuar, që ishte përplot trafik, transmeton Telegrafi.

“Në karrocë ishte një vajzë rreth katërvjeçare, që po buzëqeshte. Pse të rrezikohej kështu jeta saj”, ka shkruar Newby lidhur me rastin.

Shumë njerëz e kanë kritikuar rëndë këtë njeri, duke kërkuar që veprimi tij të mos përsëritet nga askush. /Telegrafi/

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