
Profesori suspendohet nga puna, po merrej edhe me pornografi

Enterprise News and Pictures 7/3/16 Pic shows: Oxford educated University professor Nicholas Goddard, 61, who has been uncovered as a secret porn star, featuring in dozen of XXX movies - as seen here - as "Old Nick" romping with teenage girls more than 40 years his junior. Films such as this one, "Blonde teen Lexi gets f***ed by Old Nick" have gained more than 1 million hits on the world's biggest porn site, Porn Nicholas Goddard wears just a gold watch to romp with the young girls. He is a divorced dad of three and is considered a geek who has taught chemical engineering for nearly a quarter of a century. He lives among his University of Manchester students in a new-build terraced house and has been described as "a very pleasant and quite nerdy scientist, at the top of his game in the professional world." Professor Goddard has published a number of scientific papers and is lead tutor on three courses. He also features in University videos lecturing students. When confronted by The Sun he admitted his double life and said: " There is such hypocrisy with people watching porn and then complaining about who act in it. Why would students and staff be happy to watch it, but unhappy when they see who stars in them. Especially as I know that on evening and weekends, 75 per cent of web traffic on the University's server is accessing porn." He said he doesn't get paid much, just travel expenses, and got into the films to relieve the street of his divorce. His family are unaware of his secret life. The University is said to be investigating the revelation and it has emerged he could be suspended as a result. He is expected to return to the University to see whether he will be able to continue to teach this week. See story...

Profesori i kimisë në Universitetin e Mançesterit u pezullua për shkak të aktiviteteve të tij jashtëshkollore në industrinë e pornografisë.

Nicholas Goddard, ose Nicku i vjetër, siç thonë vizitorë të faqeve pornografike, ka regjistruar dhjetëra pornografi, disa prej tyre, me vajza 40 vjet më të reja se ai, përcjell Telegrafi.

Kjo ishte e mjaftueshme që stafi menaxhues i universitetit të merrte vendim që profesorin 61-vjeçar ta suspendonte nga puna – së paku deri në përfundim të hetimeve. /Telegrafi/