Preu kokën e të dashurës dhe kreu marrëdhënie seksuale me trupin e saj
Agron Shala
Pic shows: Aleksandr U. A punk rock musician named pussy who cut off his girlfriend's head and used it to give himself a blow job while wearing one of her dresses has been declared insane. The shocking incident happened in the city of Voronezh, in Russiaís south-western Voronezh oblast where the 23-year-old Aleksandr U. murdered his girlfriend, 22-year-old Viktoria V., in July last year. Police who discovered the decapitated body of the young woman then also found that he had used the head to have sex. He apparently liked dressing up in women's clothes and masturbating, and when his friends in the punk band found out, they had thrown him out. It is believed that when his girlfriend discovered he was wearing her clothing and make up, she had also tried to throw him out and ended up being killed. He then used her head to give himself oral sex. His fellow band members from the punk rock group Easy riders confirmed that they had expelled him because of his habit of wearing female clothing The subeditor tried to talk to him about it, but he always managed to avoid the subject. After an investigation however instead of being prosecuted, he has been ruled mentally ill and detained in a psychiatric institute for an indefinite period. (ends)
Në Voronezh të Rusisë, një mashkull e pa prerë të dashurën në fyt dhe më pas ka kryer marrëdhënie me trupin e saj të mbuluar nga gjaku.
Aleksandr U. e ka qëlluar 53 herë me thikë Viktoria V. derisa ajo ishte e vdekur.
Më pas, 23-vjeçari e ka veshur një fustan të saj dhe e ka kryer aktin seksual, me 22-vjeçaren e pajetë.
Mësohet se ai është bërë i dhunshëm, kur ajo ka kërkuar të ndahen, sepse e kishte zënë me fustan dhe grim në fytyrë, transmeton Telegrafi.
Miqtë e Aleksandrit kanë treguar se për një kohë të gjatë ai kishte probleme mendore dhe dëshironte të vishej si femër. raporton se ai do të mbahet për një kohë të pacaktuar në një qendër psikiatrike, derisa të dalë para drejtësisë. /Telegrafi/