Pasagjerja shtrinë këmbët në mbështetësen e karriges së trenit (Video)
Kushtrim Gacaferri
A rude female backpacker sparked fury after putting her stinking feet up on a seat next to a passengers head.
Narong Thaopanya, 21, was travelling on the coach from Bangkok to Sukhothai province in northern Thailand on March 30.
He was overcome by a rancid smell when the blonde traveller was sat in the seat behind him and put her sweaty feet on top of the chair at his side.
Narong politely asked her to take down her feet but she refused to listen - staring at him them and putting her legs up again.
The army reservist recorded the woman - believed to be from France - and took pictures of her arrogant behaviour.
He said: This woman's face was beautiful but she had no manners.
The smell from her feet was filling the whole bus. It was hot and made me feel sick, because her feet were next to my head.
I asked her many times to put her legs on the ground and she would not do it. She just kept them in the air.
Somebody will have to use the seat and put their head where her dirty feet have been.
Would she have done this in her own country? If think that she thought she could get do it because she is a woman.
People should be more respectful when they are visitors to other peoples countries.'
Narong Thaopanya ka qenë duke udhëtuar me tren, nga Bangkok për në Sukhothai të Tajlandës, ku është shqetësuar nga pasagjerja që kishte vënë këmbët në mbështetësen e karriges.
Megjithëse 21-vjeçari i ka kërkuar t’i largojë këmbët, sepse kundërmonin erë të rëndë, gruaja që besohet të jetë nga Franca ka refuzuar, transmeton Telegrafi.
“Ishte e bukur, por sjelljet e saj ishin të papranueshme. Pos që ishte nxehtë, duheshim të duronim edhe aromën e erën e keqe të këmbëve”, ka shkruar Thaopanya.
Video që postoi rezervisti ushtarak, ka bërë xhiro në rrjete sociale, duke e vlerësuar për durimin që të mos i kundërvihet asaj.
“Urtësia e të riut, që të mos bëjë ndonjë veprim të dhunshëm edhe pse ajo ishte e pa edukatë”, është një koment për këtë ngjarje. /Telegrafi/