KTV-ja ka publikuar dje e-mailin e dërguar të z.Shtriks për FBK-në, në të cilin ai kishte kritikuar Sigal Prishtinën për paraqitjet e dobëta ndaj Pejës e në këtë mënyrë ka rrezikuar pjesëmarrjen e saj në Ligën Ballkanike, për shkak të kualitetit të dobët në ekip.
Shkresa e mëposhtme është përgjigja zyrtare që sekretari i FBK-së, z. Nazmi Paqarada i ka bërë shkresës së publikuar çaste më parë nga FBK, por nuk u publikua edhe vazhdimësia e saj. Në vijim gjeni përgjigjen:
“———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Nazmi Paçarada <sekretari@basketbolli.com>
Date: Thu, May 16, 2013 at 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: BC Sigal Prishtina
To: office@balkanleague.net
Cc: ktoshev@balkanleague.net, achristov <achristov@eurohold.bg>, lub@balkanleague.net, Lubomir Kotleba <kotleba@fiba.com>, Lubomira Genova <lubomira_genova@yahoo.com>
Dear Mr. Shtriks,
At first Mr. Toshev and Mr. Genov are welcomed to come in Prishtina, we will arrange their reception in Skopje and also their return the next day. They will be placed in the Hotel which has assigned the club for accommodation of teams in competitions in the BIBL.
BC Sigal Prishtina is the club that has won the more trophies in Kosovo basketball in last seven consecutive years.
The game of last night has no real indication of the strength and ability of the club, because for the last few months BC Sigal Prishtina has had problems with injuries of the players, two main players are injured at the moment.
Our regulations do not allow replacing injured players.
However it should be based on two weeks ago that BC Sigal Prishtina has won the CUP of Kosovo against BC Peja.
Throughout the championship BC Sigal Prishtina has had problems with injuries of players.
But BC Sigal Prishtina and their management are now concerned to prepare for competitions for next season of BIBL and they also began to research the players and the organization as well.
When we have decided for BC Sigal Prishtina to represent us in Balkan League, we are based on the fact that BC Sigal Prishtina is the most successful club in Kosovo with great organizational opportunities and also with reinforcement with players what they are already looking for.
We guarantee that the obligations to league will be made in the regular procedure and that immediately. We will suggest them to make it immediately.
Best Regards,
Nazmi Paçarada
Secretary General”.