Ngordh qeni femër pasi një karotë i ishte futur dhunshëm në vaginën e saj (Foto/Video)
Hakim Kasami
Pics shows: Owner kissing dog;
A dog has lost her fight for life after an unknown sadist forced a foot-long carrot into her vagina.
Cetin Duyar's pet dog Pamuk (Cotton) was pregnant when she suffered the attack in the town of Gulc in the Eregli district of northern Turkey's Zonguldak Province.
The 47-year-old lorry driver rushed poor Pamuk to a local veterinary clinic after finding her bleeding and in pain after the attack.
Vet Ismail Demircan operated to remove the 30 centimetre (11.8 inch) long carrot from her vagina and to terminate the pregnancy.
Pamuk was allowed to go home with Mr Duyar but underwent regular health checks at the vet’s.
But she never fully recovered and, six weeks after the operation, she has lost her fight for life.
Mr Duyar described whoever was responsible for the attack as "inhuman" while his wife Suheyla is still too upset to comment.
Mr Duyar said: "Pamuk was cute and sweet. I really love animals. What can I say to those who do this?
"I'm ashamed of my own manhood. If this is masculinity, I do not want such masculinity."
Mr Demircan said: "The dog had problems with her stomach due to the incident. She couldn’t eat.
"She was constantly on a drip. Due to gastritis she lost her appetite which led to organ failure and finally death.
"We can say that the carrot reduced the immunity of the dog which led to other diseases, which finally caused the death of the dog."
It is not known whether police are investigating the attack.
Një qen femër humbi jetën pasi një karotë rreth 30 centimetra e gjatë ishte futur dhunshëm në vaginën e saj, nga një person i panjohur.
Siç shkruajnë mediat e huaja, përcjell Telegrafi, rasti i ndodhur në Gulc Turqi, ka shkaktuar zemërim në këtë vend, pasi qeni femër, që ishte shtatzënë, vdiq në klinikën e veterinës.
Pronari i saj, Cetin Duyar, 47, e mori atë për trajtim pasi vërejti se kishte gjakderdhje dhe dhimbje pas sulmit.
Veterinari Ismail Demirçan i kishte hequr karotën dhe ishte dashur të ndërpriste shtatzëninë e saj gjatë operacionit.
Ajo u lejua të kthehet në shtëpi dhe kishte kontrolle të rregullta tek veterineri, por ajo kurrë nuk u shërua plotësisht dhe gjashtë javë pas operacionit ajo vdiq. /Telegrafi/