Momenti dramatik, kur polici qëllohet me shpatë (Video)
Nazmi Elezi
This is the terrifying moment a hero police officer was stabbed through the leg with a samurai sword - but still manages to TASER the thug as he lies bleeding on the ground. See NTI story NTISTAB. PC Rob Monk, 32, was armed with a taser and a shield as he and his colleagues at Northamptonshire Police swooped on the house of a suspected car vandal. Another officer's body cam captured the terrifying moment PC Monk wedged his foot in the door of the house moments before the suspect lunged at him with the sword. The officer screams in pain as his colleagues ask him if he is ok, to which he replies: "No, I'm stabbed." His colleague, PC Gary Liddle hauled the injured officer away from the doorway and started to administer first aid. Incredibly, the footage shows PC Monk clutching his left thigh as he lies bleeding on the ground while he fires a taser at the yob with his right hand to protect PC Liddle. He then tells another colleague: "Stand on my leg, stand on my leg" in order to stem the flow of blood. The officer was rushed to hospital where doctors discovered the sword had gone straight through his thigh narrowly missing a main artery.
Në Northhamptonshire të Anglisë, gjatë tentimit për të hyrë në një shtëpi për ta bastisur, polici është qëlluar në këmbë me shpatë të samurajëve.
Rob Monk ka qenë duke i prirë njësisë policore, kur pronari i shtëpisë ka hapur derën dhe e ka sulmuar me armën e mprehtë nga metali, transmeton Telegrafi.
Megjithëse ka marrë lëndime serioze Monk është duke u shëruar në spital dhe nuk ka ndonjë problem serioz.
Mësohet se policia kishte shkuar në shtëpinë e të dyshuarit, që mbetet i paidentifikuar, sepse kishte ankesa nga fqinjët se ai ua thyente veturat me shkop bejzbolli.
Kjo ngjarje ka ndodhur në vitin 2014, por që tani është publikuar videoja, ku shihet momenti i sulmit me shpatë. /Telegrafi/