Jaguar R-Type përplaset për shtyllën e ndriçimit, pak ditë pas restaurimit (Foto)
Agron Shala
STIAN_E-TYPE JAG CRASH_IMAGE002 THE OWNER of a pristine E-Type Jaguar crashed his beloved car just moments after getting behind the wheel - following years of meticulous work resorting it to its original glory. Police in Cambridge this week revealed photos of the pranged red Jag, often voted the most beautiful car ever made, after the crash in Ely, Cambs, on Monday (June 6). The 1973 Jag came off the road and smashed into a lamppost, crumpling its left headlight and grille - estimated to cost tens of thousands to repair. PC Ali McKenzie, who dealt with the crash, said the car had only been on the road 'briefly' before the crash - but that the owner escaped unscathed. He said: "The car had recently been fully restored with a painstaking attention to detail, and had only been out on the road briefly before the accident happened. STIAN ALEXANDER 07528 679198
Kjo makinë e vjetër e cila është prodhuar në vitin 1973, është përplasur për një shtyllë elektrike, pak ditë pasi i është nënshtruar një restaurimi të detajuar.
Megjithëse pronari ka shpëtuar i palënduar, fatin e mirë nuk e ka vetura, transmeton Telegrafi.
Vetura e rrallë ka marrë dëmtime të konsiderueshme në pjesën e përparme, pasi drejtuesi e ka humbur kontrollin dhe është përplasur në shtyllën që ndodhet në një rrugë në Cambridgeshire të Anglisë.
Si pasojë e aksidentit, në automobilin me ngjyrë të kuqe duhet të shpenzohen edhe mijëra euro tjera, për ta kthyer sërish në rrugë.
Mësohet se ky R-type ka vetëm disa ditë që ka dalë në rrugë, sepse për një kohë të gjatë ka qenë i mbyllur në garazh.
Çmimet për një veturë të tillë nisin nga 63 mijë euro, varësisht nga gjendja në të cilën ndodhen. /Telegrafi/
STIAN_E-TYPE JAG CRASH_IMAGE001 THE OWNER of a pristine E-Type Jaguar crashed his beloved car just moments after getting behind the wheel – following years of meticulous work resorting it to its original glory. Police in Cambridge this week revealed photos of the pranged red Jag, often voted the most beautiful car ever made, after the crash in Ely, Cambs, on Monday (June 6). The 1973 Jag came off the road and smashed into a lamppost, crumpling its left headlight and grille – estimated to cost tens of thousands to repair. PC Ali McKenzie, who dealt with the crash, said the car had only been on the road ‘briefly’ before the crash – but that the owner escaped unscathed. He said: “The car had recently been fully restored with a painstaking attention to detail, and had only been out on the road briefly before the accident happened. STIAN ALEXANDER 07528 679198