Imazhet që tregojnë se sa shumë njerëzit janë bërë të varur nga telefoni (Foto)
Kushtrim Gacaferri
People nowadays live several lives in one. One in the real world, on the streets, at tables, in bed. And many online. Smartphones make it easy to travel permanently between these worlds. This permanent travelling between world worries me. It causes traffic accidents. It distracts us. It makes us dismindful, which makes us feel tired. It disconnects us. And maybe the most worrying: it desocializes us (according to research of MIT-professor Sherry Turkle 2012-2017).
With my street photography series #CaughtintheApp I am welcoming back people to their first - non virtual - life, reconnecting their souls to their bodies.
I'm using my 35mm lens to give the catching a tinge of predator and prey play. The catching works easy: I choose my 'hot zone', make it my place and I just wait for people to get caught in the app. Most of the pictures were taken from a distance of less than three meters between me and the object.
After taking the picture I thank the people for sharing this moment with me and I ask them what they were using their phone for. Most of them thank me in return for pointing them at this awkward addictive habit and admit that they're just scrolling Whatsapp, Instagram, Tinder or one or another news site. Nothing urgent usually.
All of the pictures were taken in London, United Kingdom.
Earlier I did a series in my hometown Groningen, the Netherlands. This series got published on several platforms and among more in Dutch national news paper Trouw:
My dream is to capture many cities worldwide. So feel free to invite me :-)
Are you interested in a public lecture or street photography workshop? Please contact me. I'd love to.
For more information about my work, please visit my website: <a href="" rel="nofollow
Ritzo ten Cate nga Londra, ka filluar një projekt para një viti, përmes të cilit tregon se sa shumë njerëzit e përdorin dhe janë të varur nga telefoni.
Pasi e vë aparatin fotografik në zona shumë të frekuentuara, pret që para tij të ndalojë dikush që nuk e ka vëmendjen te rruga, por tërësisht në pajisjen që po e përdorë, transmeton Telegrafi.
“Caught in the App” titullohet ky projekt, ku ai i shkrepë imazhet, në momentin që njerëzit i ndalojnë përpara.
“Mbesin të hutuar dhe nuk dinë çfarë të bëjnë, por kthehen shpejtë në realitet. Pasi iu tregoj dhe kërkoj që ta përdori fotografinë e tyre, zakonisht largon të buzëqeshur”, ka thënë Cate lidhur me rastin.
Derisa ky projekt shumë i veçantë ende është duke u zhvilluar, më poshtë mund t’i shihni disa nga personazhet që tashmë janë bërë pjesë. /Telegrafi/