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Harroi t’ia jepte sheqerin, klienti ia derdh kamerierit çajin në fytyrë (Video)

Pic shows: Employee gets coffee in his face;nnBy Zoey McDougallnnThis is the shocking moment a McDonald's drive-thru customer throws a cup of tea in the restaurant manager¿s face.nnThe customer was angry that staff at the McDonald's in the city of Murmansk, in north-western Russia¿s Murmansk Oblast region, had forgotten to give him any sugar with his tea.nnHis order had been prepared by an intern who forgot to include sugar with the order.nnThe man went back to the service window and demanded that a member of staff bring the missing sugar to his car and stormed off again.nnHowever, McDonald's staff at the restaurant said the request went against company policy.nnMcDonald¿s worker Aleksandr Sizov said: "We are not allowed to go to the car park when it is dark outside.nn"Nobody knows what might happen, and in addition to that we did not see the car¿s number plate, so we wouldn¿t have found the vehicle anyway."nnRealising that his sugar was not coming, the angry customer returned to the restaurant and knocked on the service window.nnThis time the manager came to deal with him and, as he opened the window to speak to the customer, the man threw his cup of tea in his face.nnThe manager said that, by this time, the tea was no longer hot so he was not hurt and decided against reporting the incident to the police.nnMurmansk, a port city on Kola Bay, an inlet of the Barents Sea, close to Russia's borders with Norway and Finland, lies north of the Arctic Circle.

Në një pikë të McDonald’s-it në Murmansk të Rusisë, klienti ia ka hedhur kamerierit çajin në fytyrë, sepse ai kishte harruar t’ia jepte sheqerin.

Pasi ka blerë ushqim dhe pije, ai është larguar me veturë, por më vonë e ka kuptuar se nuk e ka ëmbëltuesin, për çka ka kërkuar nga stafi që t’ja sjellin në parking, transmeton Telegrafi. Mirëpo, ata nuk ia kanë dërguara, sepse e kanë të ndaluar të dalin nga objekti për të shpërndarë mallra.

“Ky është një vend ku klientët marrin gjërat nga dritarja e posaçme. Ne nuk mund të dalim përjashta, e aq më pak kur është natë”m ka thënë punonjësi lidhur me rastin.

Duke marrë parasysh se blerësi ka qenë i nervozuar për shkak të lëshimit të tij, ndërsa çaji nuk ishte aq i nxehtë sa ta përvëlojë, punëtori nuk dëshiron të ngre padi. /Telegrafi/

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