Grupi i motoçiklistëve bëjnë xhiro – të zhveshur (Video)
Kushtrim Gacaferri
Pic shows: Naked people riding their motorbikes.nnThis is the moment naked people were filmed riding their bikes in the Russian capital city of Moscow.nnThe clip was filmed on a mobile phone from a car window which was passing by the naked bikers. It shows first of all a naked man riding a bike with a naked woman sitting on the back seat. They both only have their helmets on, although the woman might have been wearing underwear, unless it is a tan line.nnThe woman can be seen giving the person filming the finger. Reportedly around 10 bikers took part in the naked ride.nnThe police were not involved in the incident, but if the bikers had been caught they might have had to pay a fine for hooliganism.nnAleksandr Zaldostanov, 53 the leader of largest Russian biker-gang, the 'Night wolves', and Putin's personal friend, was one of those who commented on the video saying: "I do not know what makes them do this, maybe they were returning from a bathhouse and lost their clothes?"nnHe said he had no idea who the naked bikers were, but promised to find out.nnNetizen 'Adam' said: "I bet they got their a*ses frozen during the ride at this time of year."nn(ends)
Aleksandr Zaldostanov i ka filmuar dhjetë motoçiklistë, që lëviznin të zhveshur nëpër një rrugë të Moskës së Rusisë.
Duke marrë parasysh se lëvizja me këto makina sportive, kërkon veshje të posaçme sepse bëhet shumë ftohtë, ata po rrezikonin shumë në këtë mënyrë, transmeton Telegrafi.
Rastin e bën edhe më të çmendur fakti se, ata ndodheshin në njërin nga kryeqytetet më të ftohta në botë.
“Kanë qenë në pishinë dhe kanë harruar të vishen”, ka shkruar përbri videos së postuar në rrjete sociale. /Telegrafi/