Dolën në zgjedhje, s’e votuan askënd: “Kreativiteti” britanik me fletëvotime (Foto, +18)
Kushtrim Gacaferri
YouGov show seat-by-seat breadown
Between now and 8th June, YouGov will publish daily voting intentions with seat estimates for each of the 650 Parliamentary constituencies, based on YouGov’s aggregated statistical election model. Each day, we conduct at least 5,000 interviews with registered voters from the YouGov panel - today’s update includes 6,762 interviews conducted on 2nd June as part of 51,945 interviews in the previous seven days. Based on analysis of key demographics, past voting behaviour, and the likely turnout among different demographic groups, we use this data to estimate voting in each constituency. As this is a national model, it does not account for specific local factors that may shape the vote in some seats.
Photo credit: Getty
Në Britani të Madhe po zhvillohet zgjedhjet e përgjithshme.
Përderisa të gjithë banorëve me të drejtë vote u kërkohet që të të votojnë, disa tallen me këtë të drejtë.
Për më shumë, shikojini dëshmitë. /Telegrafi/
Ilustrim pervers në fletëvotimVotuan dhe abstenuan