Dhjetë yjet që përngjajnë në prindërit e tyre (Foto)
Nol Elshani
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Startraks Photo/REX Shutterstock (915677ar)
Tom Hanks and Colin Hanks
The 36th Film Society Of Lincoln Center's Gala Tribute Honoring Tom Hanks at Alice Tully Hall, New York, America - 27 Apr 2009
Oscar winner Tom Hanks has been honoured at the Film Society's 36th Annual Gala in New York. The star, who is known as being Hollywood's "Mr Nice Guy", was awarded with the society's Chaplin Prize. This award is named after its first recipient, silent-film legend Charlie Chaplin, who, in 1972, returned to the US from exile to accept the commendation. Previous winners have also included Alfred Hitchcock, Billy Wilder, Laurence Olivier, Federico Fellini, Elizabeth Taylor and Meryl Streep. A host of Hollywood stars were on hand to see Hanks collect his award today, including his wife Rita Wilson, Julia Roberts, Charlize Theron, Steven Spielberg and Bruce Springsteen. The evening also featured tributes by writer/director Nora Ephron, actress Sally Field, director Ron Howard and writer/director Mike Nichols.
Fëmijët përveç ngjashmërisë fizike, shpeshherë trashëgojnë edhe talentin e prindërve të tyre.
“Ata janë personi i njëjtë!”, kjo është që thonë kur dy yje ngjajnë me njëri-tjetrin.
Shpesh janë të talentuar po aq sa të bukur sa prindërit e tyre. Shumë fëmijë madje kanë shkuar në hapat e prindërve të tyre duke u bërë muzikantë ose aktorë.
Përfundimisht nuk mund ta kundërshtosh gjenetikën ndërsa më poshtë gjenden disa prej yjeve që ngjajnë me prindërit e tyre. /Telegrafi/