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Dehet dhe nuk zgjohet tërë ditën e nesërmen, e dashura i hakmerret duke e “bërë femër” (Video)

PIC FROM MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: NATALIE WEAVER, 23 AND HER PARTNER STEPHEN HALL, 26 AFTER SHE GAVE HIM A FULL MAKEOVER ) A receptionist annoyed that her plumber boyfriend ruined their plans by sleeping in after a boozy night out filmed herself getting revenge - giving him a full makeover and nail job in his sleep. Natalie Weaver, 23, was looking forward to going for a drink with partner Stephen Hall, 26, on Sunday but her plans were dashed when he didn't return until 6am that morning after night out with pals. After being left to her own devices all day, bored Natalie plotted vengeance on her boyfriend and decided to ensure Stephen really did get his beauty sleep. Pictures and video document Stephen blissfully unaware during his transformation, as Natalie applies a full face of make-up including foundation, highlighter, eyeshadow, false lashes, lipstick as well as eyebrow make-up, all finished off with glam false nails. The plumber only woke up by accidentally scratching himself with the long nails and despite initially being confused at his own reflection, admits he made a pretty woman. However, Natalie is now living in fear that Stephen will be after his own prank as payback and refuses to go to bed before he does. SEE MERCURY COPY

Stephen Hall nga Britania e Madhe, kishte kaluar natën duke pirë me shokë. Të nesërmen ka fjetur tërë ditën, duke mos mundur të zgjohej as në mbrëmje.

Kjo e ka nervozuar shumë të dashurën e tij Natalie Weaver, e cila për shkak se nuk ka mundur të dilte me të, ka vendosur t’ia lyejë fytyrën me produkte kozmetike, transmeton Telegrafi.

“E dija se do të rri në shtëpi, andaj vendosa t’ia bëj grimin të dashurit. Ai ishte shumë i qetë dhe nuk lëvizi asnjëherë”, ka thënë Weaver lidhur me rastin.

“Kur u zgjua i thash se kështu kishte ardhur, por më vonë i tregova se gënjeja”, ka thënë më tutje, duke shtuar se ai nuk i është hidhëruar. /Telegrafi/

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