Tifozet seksi pushtuan stadiumin Veledrome në ndeshjen mes Francës dhe Shqipërisë.
Por, sytë ishin te dy bukuroshet shqiptare të cilat morën vëmendjen e pothuajse çdo tifozi nga e gjithë bota.
Bjondja është Rike Roci, e famshmja e Big Brother Albania 6, kurse identiteti i zeshkanes ende nuk dihet, por kjo do të jetë çështje orësh.
Më poshtë keni reagimet nga e gjitha bota në rrjetet sociale, kryesisht Twitter. /Telegrafi/
PEEEP! HT: #FRA 0-0 #ALB – Albania fans suitably delighted https://t.co/1jpTZiOlTa pic.twitter.com/v8OePN2oFZ
— Mirror Football (@MirrorFootball) June 15, 2016
Retweet if Albania should be given a by into the next round ? pic.twitter.com/zL2iRngyed
— Gary (@UlstersNo1) June 15, 2016
France 0-0 Albania
Cameraman: Man of the Match. pic.twitter.com/9Ihs0PIkdi
— TheFootballCommunity (@Footy_Community) June 15, 2016
Credit to Albania
They showed good form in that game pic.twitter.com/OiiXqFPRsN— Football Accumulator (@footballacca) June 15, 2016
One reason to support France then one reason support Albania pic.twitter.com/5XRpjsduWM
— Zin Hun Yu (@ZinHunYuFTA) June 15, 2016
Reasons to support France vs reasons to support Albania. pic.twitter.com/nEJ9RwRPoR
— West Ham Central (@WestHam_Central) June 15, 2016
You have to feel gutted for these Albania fans. #ALB pic.twitter.com/YWSyWYtcq7
— Not Match of the Day (@NOT_MOTD) June 15, 2016
?? ?? ?? albania win really pic.twitter.com/Jj3WkaebcO
— Jonathan Fowler (@JonathanFowle10) June 15, 2016
Two Albania fans predict the score #FRAALB #EURO2016 pic.twitter.com/zMchbWlusN
— ITV Football (@itvfootball) June 15, 2016
Albania has the best pa..eerrr fans! #fra #alb pic.twitter.com/lQxDRsunEf
— Thomas (@Tynnart) June 15, 2016