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Bukuroshja misterioze: Shëtit botën e në çdo vend të bukur pozon e zhveshur! (Foto/Video, +18)

Një vajzë e bukur, por misterioze, shëtit në vise të ndryshme të botës e nga çdo vend sjell nga një fotografi, transmeton Telegrafi.

Pmajet janë të realizuara mirë, me detaje të fotografisë artistike, ku ajo kudo është njëjtë: me shpinë të kthyer kah objektivi, e shumicën e herëve lakuriq.

Në rrjetet sociale ajo njihet “Flash The Abbys”, por për të nuk dihen shumë gjëra. /Telegrai/

Radiate from within. Baños de Elvira, Granada, Spain

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In Minoan Thera, now modern day Santorini, the Goddess was worshiped above all. “She was the …perpetual motion machine that woke the dead and spun the earth on its axis with her erotic energy.” This erotic energy was venerated as the essence of “cosmic vitality”. At the center of Minoan culture, sacred feminine sexuality. Elaborate rituals and rites were dedicated to the Goddess, and these practices were mirrored in rites of passages and archetypal role models that exalted womanhood at large. Before the rise of the patriarchy and villainization of female eroticism, worship of the ways of the Goddess was the widespread norm… If 13 years in Catholic school taught me anything, Its that the patriarchy does NOT deem female sexuality holy. Nor the female body at large. She is not seen as the “heiress of the primeval creatrix” as women were in Thera, but instead as the “origin” in original sin. Her body up for debate, demonized. Her fire vanquished before it can spread in all its glory. In my high school “morality” class, it was even demonstrated to us that female sexuality is a flame, like that of a candle. And if said female chooses to pleasures herself, or decides to have sex outside of holy matrimony, she is extinguishing this flame, never to be replenished. Truly disempowering lessons to teach a 16 year old girl as she comes into her age of pleasure. In other words, the fall of the Goddess continues to reverberate far and wide in the way we bar and ban our women from fanning the flames of their innate feminine wiles. The feminine everywhere has been subjugated and devalued for too long. Its high time we reclaim our throne on the throes of rapture. Its time we own our sensual limitlessness and the mesmerizing nature of our curves. Its time for the Goddess to rise again. Santorini, Greece Quotes via the incredible book “Seductress” by Betsy Prioleau

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