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Banorët torturojnë ujkun (Video)

Pic shows: The wolf being attacked by villager's dogs. A disturbing video shows villagers torturing a wolf by setting their dogs on it. Surrounded by a circle of people and dogs, the wolf was filmed in a distressed state in an undisclosed rural location in Kyrgyzstan. Villagers seem to be taking it in turns to goad their pet dogs into attacking the animal. Some dog owners keep their pets on a long lead to attack while others set their pet free then grab it when they think it has done enough. Some use long sticks to control the fight. The wolf, obviously terrified, only fights back when it is attacked and seems injured. Several dogs are seen biting it and it is limping badly by the end of the clip. As the clip ends, three dogs have been set on it. It is not known how the incident ended. The unnamed person who uploaded the video said: "This is how people mock a captured wild animal… by inciting dogs on it." The clip went viral, with most commenters horrified by the footage. Netizen ‘sudya’ said: "The worst beast of all is a human." And ‘maksim’ added: "Actually wolfs have a very good memory and a drive to avenge… people should keep that in mind for the next time." One identified as ‘expert’ noted: "On the one hand they treat this wolf in the worst possible way, but on the other hand… boy, how they train their dogs. This is not normal, poor animals." Wolves do not usually attack humans, despite folklore depicting them as evil, but fear of them persists in rural communities across Europe and Asia. (ends)

Në një pjesë rurale në Kirgizi, banorët e kanë torturuar ujkun e vetmuar që kishte hyrë në fshatin e tyre.

Filmimi i postuar më poshtë, i tregon ata duke ia lëshuar qentë, teksa një tjetër nuk e lejon atë të sulmojë me anë të një shkopi të gjatë, transmeton Telegrafi.

“Njerëzit janë të egër dhe të pamëshirshme, që kënaqen me dhimbjet e dikujt”, është një koment lidhur me rastin.

Sipas njohësve të kafshëve, ujqit e vetmuar janë kryesisht të vjetër dhe të sëmurë, që humbin rrugën pa dashje.

Ata duhet të kthehen sërish në mal, qoftë edhe me forcë, por jo të torturohen në këtë mënyrë. /Telegrafi/

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