Xuxi uses the story of Derenusha's late father for a game, a fierce clash between the two

Xuxi uses the story of Derenusha's late father for a game, a fierce clash between the two

In a tense moment Big Brother VIP Kosova, Xuxi and Drenusha faced off in a strong clash after a statement by Xuxi that used a situation that happened many years ago, related to Drenusha's father, for a game.

Derenusha expressed her great anger after Xuxi mentioned her father, stressing that this was a very sensitive topic for her, which should not be used for personal interests in the game.

Xuxi had stated that Drenusha's father, who was a judge, had judged Albanians who were considered "chauvinists" and "separatists" by the then Serbian system.

Photo: Screenshot / YouTube

According to Xuxi, he had also sentenced political prisoners.

This statement caused a strong reaction from Drenusha, who described the use of her father's story in this context as unacceptable.

Derenusha, excited, expressed that it was not right that such a personal matter should be used for play and manipulation.

She pointed out that she had never used Xuxi's history with his daughter and he should not have brought up such a personal matter to her.

In the confession room, Drenusha broke down in tears and spoke with pain about the loss of her father, who passed away 27 years ago.

She said that she still has not been able to come to terms with the loss and that this is a pain that she has kept inside for all these years.

This clash has increased tensions in the house of Big Brother VIP Kosova, highlighting another side of the residents, where sensitivity and personal stories become part of the game, creating unexpected and strong conflicts.

Even the columnist Milaim Zeka has expressed regret for bringing such a sensitive topic inside the house. /Telegraph/

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