Walt Whitman says that he who walks for a minute, without love, walks covered with a shroud to his funeral, while Juan Rulfo in "Letter to Clara" says: I always and everywhere walked with my love, until I found you and all I gave my love to you.

Excerpt from Juan Rulfo's letter to Clara Aparisio
Translated by: Bajram Karabolli

Ever since I have known you, I hear an echo in every branch that repeats your name, in the high, distant branches, in the branches that are close to us. It seems as if we have woken up from a dream at dawn. The breath in the leaves is heard and moves like the water drops move. Clara: heart, rose, love... In your name, pain is a strange thing. It is a thing that looks at us and runs away, as blood runs out of a wound, as death runs out of life. Life is filled with your name: Clara, clear, clarity, illumination.

I would put my heart in your hands without a single regret. Without being afraid at all, because I know who I give it to. And the heart itself feels that it falls into the hand of another heart, so it is not afraid of anything. And what better protection would she have than your hands, Clara? I've gotten into the habit of saying your name while I sleep. I say it even in the middle of the night. Even the trees and the wind have learned to say your name. Even the wind takes your name and carries it to the mountains, puts it in the ears of the wheat fields. Even the river murmurs Clara, Clara, Clara...

Klara: Today I planted a peach named after you.