What is tofu (and how to make it "edible")

What is tofu (and how to make it "edible")

How tofu is made, why this item is healthy and how to prepare it to be delicious...

Those who don't eat meat have many alternatives available to them. Among those alternatives, tofu is one of the most common.

It is almost common on restaurant menus, but it is no longer a rarity even on supermarket shelves.

To the uninitiated, indeed, tofu at first glance looks like an undefined mass of dubious origin, but it is clearly followed by the almost unholy reputation of the "inedible" product. However, if it is prepared in the right way, it can be very tasty, in addition to being quite healthy.

Tofu is cheese made from soybeans, which is made by coagulating soybean proteins.

Tofu preparation begins with grinding fresh soybeans, which are then mixed with water and boiled to obtain soy milk. The mixture is strained, and then additives (most often magnesium chloride or calcium sulfate) are added to it, which cause the cheese to form. The final product is – tofu, reports Telegraph.

Tofu contains virtually no fat and is very low in calories, but it is an excellent source of protein. And "any" taste, of course.

How to make tofu "edible"? The easiest way is to bake it.

Baked tofu

To make it tastier, you can briefly boil the tofu in water to which you should add your favorite spices before baking, but also marinate it for a few hours in a mixture of oil and spices according to your taste. Then arrange the thin slices of tofu on a lightly greased baking sheet and bake for about twenty minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Before baking, for a more intense taste, you can paint it with mustard or put the sauce you want on it. /Telegraph/

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