What is the solution to start the trial in absentia against Radoicic

What is the solution to start the trial in absentia against Radoicic

The indictment filed by the Special Prosecutor's Office of Kosovo, in absentia against Milan Radoicic, and 41 others, continues to remain only on paper. This is because it is not yet known if the trial will start against them. The lawyers say that the Special Prosecutor's Office would have to change the indictment for them in order to continue with the judicial process.

More than four months have passed since the indictment was filed against Milan Radoicic and 44 other people for the terrorist attack in Banjska i Zveçani.

Although the trial started for three of the accused, for the other 42, including Radoicić, it is not yet known how it will continue since the same were elusive for the justice system in Kosovo.

The Basic Court in Pristina did not say whether they have decided how to proceed with this, while the lawyer of the family of the policeman killed in this attack says that this case should be treated as a priority.

"This is a case of particular importance, the constitutional order of Kosovo is endangered, therefore I believe that it should be given priority in its treatment and in the initiation of the trial... I am prepared for both options, i.e. with a trial in absentia as well as in the other version, I don't have a problem, let the court decide further", Arianit Koci - lawyer of the Bunjaku family - emphasized for TV Dukagjini.

Meanwhile, according to Naim Rudari, the lawyer of one of the police officers who was injured on September 24, says that the Special Prosecutor's Office can provide a solution to this case.

"The court without any doubt could start with the trial in absentia, or on the other hand, it could ask the prosecution to change the indictment, and the special prosecution with a cosmetic change could change the indictment and start the trial in absentia, without leaving any doubt", he declared.

The Special Prosecutor's Office has not returned an answer as to whether the indictment against Milan Radoicic and others, which was filed in absentia, can be changed.

In the initial hearing held in October of last year, Blagoje Spasojevic, Vladimir Tolic and Dusan Maksimovic pleaded not guilty, while they continue to be under the measure of detention.