What are the salaries at the Tesla factory in Europe?

What are the salaries at the Tesla factory in Europe?

Tesla is considered the most profitable car manufacturer in the world and CEO Elon Musk has already earned the status of the richest man in the world. But does this reflect in the salaries of the company's employees?

Until now, Tesla has about 3,500 full-time employees at the German factory near Berlin, more precisely in Greenheide. A lot of information about the working conditions of electric car manufacturers can be found on the evaluation portal Kununu.

According to those reports, programmers or engineers earn between 63,700 and 71,600 euros gross per year.

If you are a worker in production, maintenance or logistics, the annual salary is from 33.900 euros to 41.400 euros.

Unlike German manufacturers such as BMW, Porsche and others, these salaries do not include bonuses.

At BMW, for example, workers can count on a union bonus and an annual bonus, depending on the company's profits. /Telegraph/