Water for rinsing your teeth and mouth after brushing your teeth can cause diabetes

Water for rinsing your teeth and mouth after brushing your teeth can cause diabetes

The discovery was made by Harvard University scientists, who in the latest study say that in this case the good microbes that live on the tongue and which protect us from diabetes are destroyed.

Tooth and mouthwashes are meant to kill the bacteria that cause tooth decay and bad breath, but according to the results of the study, they also kill the beneficial bacteria.

Scientists found that people who use the water to rinse their mouth twice a day can be affected by diabetes or blood sugar rise by 55 percent within a three-year period.

1206 people between the ages of 45 and 60, who had a high risk of developing diabetes, participated in the study. During the study, 17 percent of respondents were diagnosed with diabetes.

Twenty percent of respondents who used the water for rinsing once a day also developed diabetes, while this number increased by 30 percent among people who used the water for rinsing twice a day.

The good bacteria in the mouth protect us from diabetes, and the microbes help the body produce nitrogen dioxide, which regulates insulin levels and metabolism, reports KP. It maintains the energy balance in the body and regulates the blood sugar level.

Because toothpaste contains powerful antibacterial ingredients, such as triclosan, chlorhexidine, alcohol, essential oils or peroxide, scientists advise using toothpaste only once a day. /Telegraph/

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