​Vila e Radoicić, minister Aliu gives new details

​Vila e Radoicić, minister Aliu gives new details

The Minister of Environment, Spatial Planning and Environment, Liburn Aliu, has given new details about the construction of the villa of the chief terrorist, Milan Radoicic, at Ujman lake.

Responding to the accusations of the opposition deputies in today's session of the Assembly of Kosovo, he said that Radoicic's house was able to be built during the mandate of the Kurti government.

According to him, Serbian illegal structures have also done many other works, including the Hill of the Sun, in the first and second year of the Kurti government.

But according to him, after the construction of new police stations and after the terrorist attack in Bansjka in 2023, complete order has been established in the extension of sovereignty in the north.

"We are assuming that the house was built when we were in government. I am telling you not only Radoicic's house but also many other works that the parallel structures have done. The first year of the government, maybe even the second year of the government, until Banjska happened, the parallel structures were not built, but the Hill of the Sun was built and many other things, which our state had under control . This is not only during our mandate but also very early...".

"After Banjska happened, the conditions have been created that put me in full order and stopped Radoicic's villa as well," he said.