Quote by Umberto Eco: When someone has to intervene to protect the freedom of the press, then that society is sick!

Quote by Umberto Eco: When someone has to intervene to protect the freedom of the press, then that society is sick!

• We have a limit, a very discouraging and humiliating limit: death.

• I have now come to the conclusion that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma made terrifying by our mad attempt to interpret it as if there were some truth hidden beneath it.

• You die, but most of what you have accumulated is not lost. You leave behind a message in a bottle.

• Reading a printed book is a completely different experience: you can do it on a ship, in a tree branch, in bed, even when there is no light at all.

• The function of memory is to store, but also to throw away. If you remembered everything, from your whole life, you would be sick.

• When people stop believing in God, it is not that they no longer believe in anything: now they believe in everything.

• People are tired of simple things. They want to be challenged.

• The problem with the internet is that it gives you everything, reliable material and crazy material. So the problem is, how do you tell the difference?

• It took a civil war for the United States to come together properly.

• The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest man like everyone else.

• The Internet is like a library without filtering. The good of libraries, like encyclopedias, is not only that they preserve memory, but also that they throw away those things that a culture does not need. If we didn't reject anything, we would be like "Funes el memorioso", in a story by Jose Luis Borges. This character remembered everything: he was a man of total memory, unable to reason because he was unable to filter. The Internet is like Funesi: it contains everything, truth and lies, which is a big risk, especially for young people.

• When someone has to intervene to protect the freedom of the press, then that society is sick.

• Better reality than a dream: when something is real, then it's true and it's not your fault.

• I have lost the freedom of not having an opinion.

• If people buy my books for nothing, I consider that a tax on idiocy.

• I think that a book should be judged ten years later, after you have read and reread it.

• Fear the prophets and those prepared to die for the truth, because as a rule they make many others die with them, often before them, sometimes even in their place.

• I love the smell of book ink in the morning.

• Absence is to love as wind is to fire: it extinguishes small flames but kindles large ones.

• Monsters exist because they are part of a divine plan, and the terrifying features of those monsters reveal the power of the creator.

• I don't understand why it takes 80 million people online when all they end up doing is talking to ghosts in the suburbs.

• Nothing gives a frightened man more courage than the fear of another.

• What is love? There is nothing in the world, neither man, nor the Devil, nothing else, that I consider so suspicious as love, because it penetrates the soul more than anything else. There is nothing that fills and binds the heart so much as love. So, unless you have those weapons that subdue it, the soul sinks through love into a bottomless abyss.

• I believe that, what we become, depends a lot on what our fathers teach us, at odd moments, when they are not trying to teach us anything. We are made up of little nuggets of wisdom.

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