Tomatoes and peppers stuffed with rice

Tomatoes and peppers stuffed with rice

For 4-5 people you need:

* pepper 8 pieces
* tomatoes 4 pieces
* oil 2 cups of coffee
* onion 2-3 grains
* rice a cup of tea
* salt, black pepper, parsley, dill


Peppers and tomatoes are made in the same way as above, while the preparation of the filling is done as follows: in a container with fat, fry the finely chopped onion, then add the hearts cut into small pieces: they are sautéed a little, the cleaned and washed rice is thrown in and then enough water is added to make a thick pilaf and the rice is slightly boiled. Add salt and black pepper to the mixture and let it boil until the rice absorbs all the liquid. Then it is removed from the heat, mixed with finely chopped parsley, dill and the filling is made.

A row of tomatoes, a row of peppers or a mixture of tomatoes are placed on the baking sheet. sliced ​​and chopped onions in a circle; a little salt and water are added and they are baked in the oven until they are ready.