Three fruits that can strengthen your immune system and help prevent viruses

Three fruits that can strengthen your immune system and help prevent viruses

Our first instinct when cold weather makes us cough, sneeze, and feel congested is to reach for over-the-counter medications.

While this can provide some relief, simple dietary adjustments can also help ensure your body is ready to fight off viruses and infections.

Fortunately, seasonal fruits like apples, pears and blueberries can help boost your immune system this fall and winter.

Premier Protein Nutrition consultant Carissa Galloway says that not only are these fruits great for satisfying seasonal cravings, they also support a healthy immune system because they're packed with vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.


Galloway notes that apples contain pectin, which is a prebiotic that feeds good bacteria in the gut. She says she prioritizes gut health as it can have a direct impact on our immune health by reducing inflammation and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.


Pear is rich in vitamin A, which together with vitamin C, can help our body stimulate the production of white blood cells. Galloway points out that white blood cells are key to maintaining a healthy and strong immune system because they fight any disease-causing bacteria and viruses in your bloodstream. Also, she adds, pear skin contains phytochemical compounds such as polyphenols, flavonoids and terpenoids that scavenge free radicals that can weaken your immune system. Plus, pears are full of fiber and prebiotics similar to apples, which help support good digestion and gut health.


Cranberries are packed with polyphenols and bioactive plant compounds that research has shown can reduce inflammation, improve digestion and improve heart health. Cranberry skin contains the antioxidant quercetin which reduces inflammation. She suggests enjoying cranberries fresh or dried to get these immune-boosting health benefits.

Galloway points out that cranberry juice is rich in vitamin C, which keeps your immune system running smoothly. /Telegraph/

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