The wise world

The wise world

Every time I read proverbs of the peoples of the world, I am always, as if experiencing it for the first time, amazed by a discovery: All the peoples of the world are wise!

Prepared by: Dush Gashi

- Only after the last wood is dried, after the last river is poisoned and the last fish is caught, then we will understand that money is not eaten. (Indian)

– Learn to listen, opportunity rarely knocks. (Ukrainian)

- No one sets a better example than the cockroach, but he doesn't say anything. (english)

- Four things cannot be taken back: the spoken word, the thrown arrow, the past life and the missed opportunity. (Arabic)

- Faith is a plant that grows slowly. (German)

- The honey from the hive must be taken so that the bees have something left. (Danish)

– Before you give up, try one more time. (Chinese)

- Between promises and fulfillment, many clothes and shoes are torn. (dutch)

- Two things a person must have to succeed in life. The first is luck: when a person is given a good opportunity. The other is wisdom: it enables a person to take advantage of a good opportunity. (argentinian)

– The point does not pierce the stone by falling with force, but often. (Latin)

- Better to weep with the wise than to sing with the foolish. (Slovenian)

- The man who is too good for the world, is often not good for his family. (Jewish)

– The small root pulls the big one. (Russian)

– Leave him what he wants, because if you tell him to leave what he wants, he will still want what he wants, and he will hate you. (African)

- If you praise God you have nothing to lose, if you rebuke him you have nothing to gain. (Bulgarian)

– Do not buy the first cucumbers and the first rumours, because their price will drop quickly. (Georgian)

– Bad merchandise is never cheap. (french)

- Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I need love the most. (Swedish)

- Let the dogs bark, let the caravan go forward. (albania)

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