The fate of Arbëresh people in the poem "Vrull" by Zef Serembe

The fate of Arbëresh people in the poem "Vrull" by Zef Serembe

Russia: Albert Mustafa

Theories, from classical German philosophy onwards, write that there are three literary genres: lyric, epic and dramatic. Plato and Aristotle did not agree with these findings, that there are three literary genres, but, according to Plato and Aristotle, there are three ways of imitation (mimesis). According to Plato, the lyric is a non-representational form, not important, not high, because there is no action, my event, but there is an expression of feeling, emotion. So, poetry momentum there is no action of mine, but there is an expression of the author's feeling for the homeland, the alienation of the Albanians, the violent removal of the Albanians from their lands, the lines of the poem convey a strong emotion of longing and mourning for the fate of the Arbëresh people.

The formal side of the poem is: the poem consists of four stanzas, the stanzas are quatrains, their rhyme is ABAB.

Poetry is lyrical because the author identifies with the poem, with the subject of the poem. The poet's self is presented in the poem. In the first stanza two different worlds are presented, the outer world which is the outer environment Beautiful birds sing with joy, world with positive emotion, whereas the second verse of the first stanza Yes, my heart will break in my chest. We have the antithesis to the first verse, the poet's state of mind is presented, a grave state. Poisoned, I go to this life and / I get bored at home, alone. These verses represent loneliness, the way of life in and abroad.

Just like his life and poetry momentum it is a song of pain and suffering. The birthplace (Arbëria) reminds him that Serembe is a stranger in this land. Arbria across the sea, reminds us / That we are strangers here! Even Serembe was born and grew up outside his homeland, he adapted a little to the life of a foreign land, his heart does not forget the land of his ancestors, where the author and his compatriots came from. The poet blames the Turk for leaving him without a homeland for this serious emotional and spiritual condition. How many years have passed! The heart does not forget / Since he left us in Turkey mother The poet's only hope for national formation is revenge against those who caused great anger towards the author and the Albanian people in general.

Lyrical poetry is so called from the name of a musical instrument (lyra-lyra) with which the ancient Greeks accompanied the recitation of a poem. From what we know today of the ancient Greek and Latin literary heritage, brevity remains the defining element of lyric poetry.

The poem is lyrical because the author presents the serious state of mind in verses, in order to articulate and convey his message to the readers more easily. The term lyric has been known since the Alexandrian tradition. Even lyrics such as melodic underline the melodic plan, the song, to leave the text - the poem - in the background.

The poet presents his emotions, his pain, for the fate of Albanians, their departure from their homeland not because of them, but because of different invaders. No romantic has expressed so succinctly and so powerfully the collective loneliness or the loss of the homeland. Serembe as a pure lyric does not preach anything. It expresses and returns to itself. Returning to oneself makes the poem powerful, expressive, comprehensive, also transmitting the world view of the people in general.

Serembe does not paint the portrait of the world or the district in which he lives. He creates only the portrait of himself, the self-portrait. This is also seen in poetry momentum where longing, melancholy, pain, boredom and loneliness prevail. Serembe's verse, sorrowful and sad in character, but often patriotic and idealistic in inspiration, his poems have a powerful lyricism and poetry.

The poet's spiritual pain is great, so great that the poet finds no rest in himself So much so that I only rest when you fall asleep. This powerful verse tells us of his only consolation, sleep, which, according to Bonaparte, is half death.

Serembe, well acquainted with the circumstances of the Albanian people, born in Italy, his ideological and spiritual homeland, Albania, calls Albanians as well as other romantics for national awareness and shaping, so that Serembe's fate will not be experienced by his scattered compatriots across different lands.

In his lyrical poems, the author presents a great concern in his heart. His concern is changing the identity of Albanians, their assimilation.


Beautiful birds sing with joy,
Yes, my heart will break in my chest.
Poisoned, I go to this life and:
I get bored at home, alone,

All splendor opens before me the sea
That awakens many thoughts in my brain,
My heart was troubled by the terror of the desert
So much so that I only rest when you fall asleep.

Arbria across the sea, reminds us
That we are strangers here!
How many years have passed! The heart never forgets
That in Turkey he left us without Mother.

Revenge gives us hope and enlightens us,
But the wind blows and the ice takes me,
Arbëreshi is forgetting what happened:
And he is not ashamed at all, he is sitting and sleeping.