Mandarin for the liver

Mandarin for the liver

It relieves pain, helps digestion and has immune properties.

Care in the storage of tangerines. Mandarins are not stored for long, because they are dried and collected from the inside. Store them in a ventilated place (inside or outside the refrigerator) and do not seal them in bags, because they spoil more easily.

What is: Mandarin (Citrus reticulata) belongs to the citrus family. It is known for its rich aroma. There are many varieties of it, with different shapes and sizes.

Traditional medicine: This fruit has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine. It was once used for the therapy of dyspepsia (problems in digesting food), diarrhoea, against vomiting and gastroenteric disorders. Moreover, it was considered the ideal remedy for hiccups, coughs and congestion (increased blood circulation).

What the latest news supports: According to a Japanese study, tangerine reduces the occurrence of liver cancer. As experts support, the secret is hidden in the type of substance, beta-carotene, which gives the fruit its characteristic orange color. More precisely, researchers at Kyoto University Hospital placed under medical observation 75 patients with hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), a disease that increases the chances of liver cancer. 30 of them drank every day, for a year, a drink containing beta-carotene and tangerine juice, while the other 45 did not. After 12 months, the specialists saw that, in none of the patients of the first group, liver cancer was detected, in contrast to that of the second group, where 8,9% of them showed this type of cancer. Of course, the researchers point out that more research is needed to draw more reliable results.

What else is it good for: Contains Vitamin C, flavonoids, acids, potassium, magnesium and Vitamins B1, B2, B3.
It relieves pain, acts against diarrhea and colic, while it is also ideal for dealing with morning sickness (it is safe during pregnancy). Its oil helps in cases of rapid heartbeat and high blood pressure, while it is also tonic.

Careful! Her skin can cause an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in sneezing, coughing and chest discomfort.

For cramps: Add 2 drops of mandarin oil, 3 drops of manchurian oil and 2 drops of chamomile oil to the hot bath water. Enjoy this soothing bath every evening for 15 seconds.

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