Mehmet Shehu

46 Articles

Letters from the camps in Albania to the mother in Italy: Don't worry if I ever write mourning

Letters from the camps in Albania to the mother in Italy: Don't worry if I ever write mourning

The word+
Chinese porcelain vase, with the picture of Mehmet Shehu and Mao

Chinese porcelain vase, with the picture of Mehmet Shehu and Mao

Albanians through the decades: What they went through in 1918, 1928, 1938... 2018! (Photo)

Albanians through the decades: What they went through in 1918, 1928, 1938... 2018! (Photo)

Agron Shala
Year 1978: The wise were expressing themselves... in Kosovo!

Year 1978: The wise were expressing themselves... in Kosovo!

Agron Shala
1958: Down with the revisionists!

1958: Down with the revisionists!

Agron Shala
Che Guevara's secret visit to Tirana, the former diplomat reveals the details: The plane arrived with the two soldiers, the first immediately caught my eye (Video)

Che Guevara's secret visit to Tirana, the former diplomat reveals the details: The plane arrived with the two soldiers, the first immediately caught my eye (Video)

The death of Mehmet Shehu, the 10 pieces of evidence that prove his murder

The death of Mehmet Shehu, the 10 pieces of evidence that prove his murder

The confession of Mehmet Shehu's brother: How they disappeared the maid who poisoned Mehmet

The confession of Mehmet Shehu's brother: How they disappeared the maid who poisoned Mehmet

Albanians through the decades: What they went through in 1917, 1927, 1937... 2017! (Photo)

Albanians through the decades: What they went through in 1917, 1927, 1937... 2017! (Photo)

Agron Shala
Mehmet Shehu's brother: Enveri had marked him to sacrifice him

Mehmet Shehu's brother: Enveri had marked him to sacrifice him

The anger of Enver Hoxha's sons with Mehmet Shehu

The anger of Enver Hoxha's sons with Mehmet Shehu

Liliana Hoxha: Mehmet Shehu was killed

Liliana Hoxha: Mehmet Shehu was killed

Ramiz Alia in 2005: Enveri raised the issue of Kosovo to Tito, he told him that we should wait so that we don't create a problem with the Serbs

Ramiz Alia in 2005: Enveri raised the issue of Kosovo to Tito, he told him that we should wait so that we don't create a problem with the Serbs

The last night of Mehmet Shehu

The last night of Mehmet Shehu

Who were the three killers of Mehmet Shehu and what happened to them...?

Who were the three killers of Mehmet Shehu and what happened to them...?

Musta: Mehmet Shehu stripped the ballistas naked, those who were not circumcised escaped being shot

Musta: Mehmet Shehu stripped the ballistas naked, those who were not circumcised escaped being shot

CIA: Afraid of Mehmet Shehu, Enver Hoxha applied for a French visa in 1954!?

CIA: Afraid of Mehmet Shehu, Enver Hoxha applied for a French visa in 1954!?

The time when the Albanian was not afraid, and in the Kremlin they said to the man who was afraid of the world: Shame cover you!

The time when the Albanian was not afraid, and in the Kremlin they said to the man who was afraid of the world: Shame cover you!

Caught with drugs in Stockholm, Mehmet Shehu's son is arrested

Caught with drugs in Stockholm, Mehmet Shehu's son is arrested

In 1979, Mehmet Shehu in a meeting with three Kosovar Albanians: Did Albania organize the demonstrations of 1981?

In 1979, Mehmet Shehu in a meeting with three Kosovar Albanians: Did Albania organize the demonstrations of 1981?

Was Mehmet Shehu an American agent and the details of the assassination attempt on him

Was Mehmet Shehu an American agent and the details of the assassination attempt on him

The mystery of the tunnel leading to Mehmet Shehu's bedroom (Video)

The mystery of the tunnel leading to Mehmet Shehu's bedroom (Video)

