
21 Articles

African farmers grow the heaviest plum in the world

African farmers grow the heaviest plum in the world

Fun News
Lazy bowels, fat around the waist: The cocktail that removes impurities from the body!

Lazy bowels, fat around the waist: The cocktail that removes impurities from the body!

Alternative medicine
Mourinho tells when he will collect Marash Kumbulla

Mourinho tells when he will collect Marash Kumbulla

Serie A
Good for digestion, skin, lowers sugar and blood pressure - the many benefits of plums

Good for digestion, skin, lowers sugar and blood pressure - the many benefits of plums

Healthy food
Cake with plums and walnuts - a real autumn dessert

Cake with plums and walnuts - a real autumn dessert

Three fruits with 'anti-diabetes' effects and chemicals that 'fight' the disease

Three fruits with 'anti-diabetes' effects and chemicals that 'fight' the disease

Medical advice
The right way to plant plums from the core

The right way to plant plums from the core

Tree ice cream in almost a minute: You will make it every day!

Tree ice cream in almost a minute: You will make it every day!

ice cream
Mini Plum Dumplings: Baked from puff pastry filled with homemade pudding

Mini Plum Dumplings: Baked from puff pastry filled with homemade pudding

From your hands
Purple drink that "significantly" lowers hypertension in a few minutes

Purple drink that "significantly" lowers hypertension in a few minutes

Let's get to know the products
You only need three plums - make a homemade face mask that removes wrinkles: The cheapest way to rejuvenate the skin!

You only need three plums - make a homemade face mask that removes wrinkles: The cheapest way to rejuvenate the skin!

Aesthetic advice
Food that prevents hair loss and can help you lose weight

Food that prevents hair loss and can help you lose weight

Let's get to know the products
Jam for frequent bowel cleansing: Doctors recommend it instead of drugs!

Jam for frequent bowel cleansing: Doctors recommend it instead of drugs!

Alternative medicine
Three to four plums a day can nourish the body: Full of vitamins, they protect the heart, bones, intestines!

Three to four plums a day can nourish the body: Full of vitamins, they protect the heart, bones, intestines!

Healthy food
IPKO-Agrological Stations also provide data on 18 new agricultural crops

IPKO-Agrological Stations also provide data on 18 new agricultural crops

Ministry of Agriculture: Two denars support for stabilizing the purchase of plums

Ministry of Agriculture: Two denars support for stabilizing the purchase of plums

Amir Jakupi
Those who eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables are more attractive

Those who eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables are more attractive

Health News
Homemade cocktail with which you will lose weight: Change the coffee, the results will please you

Homemade cocktail with which you will lose weight: Change the coffee, the results will please you

Plum compote (Video)

Plum compote (Video)

From your hands
Homemade plum jam recipe: no preservatives

Homemade plum jam recipe: no preservatives

traditional kitchen
The best recipe for plum jam: Every housewife should know!

The best recipe for plum jam: Every housewife should know!

