
29 Articles

A headless body is found in a hotel room in Japan, did the killer take the head in a bag?

A headless body is found in a hotel room in Japan, did the killer take the head in a bag?

Why do people scratch their heads when they think of something? What do psychologists say?

Why do people scratch their heads when they think of something? What do psychologists say?

Why do we scratch our heads when we think? The reason is genius!

Why do we scratch our heads when we think? The reason is genius!

Researchers capture footage of rare transparent-headed fish

Researchers capture footage of rare transparent-headed fish

He also held a Mini car over his head - the man with the "strongest head" says he has no intention of stopping

He also held a Mini car over his head - the man with the "strongest head" says he has no intention of stopping

'Fight to the death', the photo of the two-headed deer has become a hit on social media

'Fight to the death', the photo of the two-headed deer has become a hit on social media

Fun News
Covered in blood, the Ukrainian holds his father's severed head in his hand - he sits down in the park to light a cigarette

Covered in blood, the Ukrainian holds his father's severed head in his hand - he sits down in the park to light a cigarette

Scientists have just discovered a mysterious organ hidden in the center of the human head

Scientists have just discovered a mysterious organ hidden in the center of the human head

Studies confirm: If you massage your head ten minutes a day, you will improve the work of the heart and adjust the blood pressure!

Studies confirm: If you massage your head ten minutes a day, you will improve the work of the heart and adjust the blood pressure!

Other articles
Ordered chicken necks at the store, the chicken head came with it - the woman from Australia is shocked

Ordered chicken necks at the store, the chicken head came with it - the woman from Australia is shocked

The mysterious disease leaves the Pakistani woman with her head bowed

The mysterious disease leaves the Pakistani woman with her head bowed

From the World
Babies born with big heads become successful people

Babies born with big heads become successful people

The buyers were left with a bitter taste when they found a chicken head among the baked pieces (Photo)

The buyers were left with a bitter taste when they found a chicken head among the baked pieces (Photo)

His head got stuck under the lid of the waste basket, while he was begging for something thrown away (Video)

His head got stuck under the lid of the waste basket, while he was begging for something thrown away (Video)

The head of the giant shark is found, torn by an even bigger predator (Photo)

The head of the giant shark is found, torn by an even bigger predator (Photo)

The prisoner with a neck wider than his head (Photo)

The prisoner with a neck wider than his head (Photo)

Fun News
Children with bigger heads are more intelligent, scientists say

Children with bigger heads are more intelligent, scientists say

Your child
Mysterious fish with a 'bird's head' surprises connoisseurs of aquatic life (Video)

Mysterious fish with a 'bird's head' surprises connoisseurs of aquatic life (Video)

We all have a twisted neck from sitting: This exercise will bring you back to the natural position (Video)

We all have a twisted neck from sitting: This exercise will bring you back to the natural position (Video)

Medical advice
He concreted his head and put it in the microwave, the young man was saved in the last moments by the firemen (Video)

He concreted his head and put it in the microwave, the young man was saved in the last moments by the firemen (Video)

The elastic neck allows the head to turn 180 degrees (Video)

The elastic neck allows the head to turn 180 degrees (Video)

Her neck turned 180 degrees has made her life difficult, she lives alone because she scares the children (Photo)

Her neck turned 180 degrees has made her life difficult, she lives alone because she scares the children (Photo)

"His head is cut off" in an accident, doctors compress the head of a 16-month-old child (Video)

"His head is cut off" in an accident, doctors compress the head of a 16-month-old child (Video)

From the World
The child with the elastic neck turns his head back 180 degrees (Video, +18)

The child with the elastic neck turns his head back 180 degrees (Video, +18)

