
1232 Articles

India sends 103 satellites into space

India sends 103 satellites into space

From the World
Plane slides down runway, spins 360 degrees โ€“ passengers recount terrifying experience (Video)

Plane slides down runway, spins 360 degrees โ€“ passengers recount terrifying experience (Video)

From the World
Behind this "pregnant" man, a shocking story is hidden (Photo,+18)

Behind this "pregnant" man, a shocking story is hidden (Photo,+18)

The businessman spends his daughter's wedding money building 90 houses for the homeless (Video)

The businessman spends his daughter's wedding money building 90 houses for the homeless (Video)

From the World
The man cuts off the penis, as his wife did not want to have sex with him for more than a decade (Photo)

The man cuts off the penis, as his wife did not want to have sex with him for more than a decade (Photo)

Fun News
The 'Stone of God' has been defying science for 2 years (Photo)

The 'Stone of God' has been defying science for 2 years (Photo)

The pregnant dancer is killed by the groom's friend because she refused to dance with him! (Video,+18)

The pregnant dancer is killed by the groom's friend because she refused to dance with him! (Video,+18)

From the World
The number of dead in the railway accident reaches 142

The number of dead in the railway accident reaches 142

From the World
The wedding that enraged the poor: the politician spends 74 million dollars for his daughter's ceremony (Video)

The wedding that enraged the poor: the politician spends 74 million dollars for his daughter's ceremony (Video)

From the World
25 men beat the woman with wooden sticks, while hundreds of people watched as if nothing had happened (Photo/Video, +18)

25 men beat the woman with wooden sticks, while hundreds of people watched as if nothing had happened (Photo/Video, +18)

From the World
Fire in a hospital in India, 20 dead, about 100 injured

Fire in a hospital in India, 20 dead, about 100 injured

From the World
Snake Hunter: Watch the moment a man opens a bag filled with hundreds of poisonous snakes and cobras (Photo/Video)

Snake Hunter: Watch the moment a man opens a bag filled with hundreds of poisonous snakes and cobras (Photo/Video)

The boy with a "broken neck" can finally see the world "right"! (Photo)

The boy with a "broken neck" can finally see the world "right"! (Photo)

From the World
Terrible: He tried to strangle his mother, and the woman was shooting him! (Video,+18)

Terrible: He tried to strangle his mother, and the woman was shooting him! (Video,+18)

From the World
The woman was stabbed 26 times in the middle of the street in the middle of the day, but the passers-by did not intervene to save her (Photo/Video, +18)

The woman was stabbed 26 times in the middle of the street in the middle of the day, but the passers-by did not intervene to save her (Photo/Video, +18)

From the World
The 'wolf' child is born (Photo, +16)

The 'wolf' child is born (Photo, +16)

India, with postage stamp with the canonization of Mother Teresa

India, with postage stamp with the canonization of Mother Teresa

Numerous celebrations for the sanctification of Mother Teresa in India as well

Numerous celebrations for the sanctification of Mother Teresa in India as well

From the World
India-US Security and Trade Agreement

India-US Security and Trade Agreement

From the World
Terrible images: The woman beats her baby, tries to suffocate him! (Video+18)

Terrible images: The woman beats her baby, tries to suffocate him! (Video+18)

From the World
The poor man is forced to carry his dead wife 10 kilometers in his arms: With a broken heart, he listens non-stop to his daughter's oil (Photo/Video, +18)

The poor man is forced to carry his dead wife 10 kilometers in his arms: With a broken heart, he listens non-stop to his daughter's oil (Photo/Video, +18)

From the World
12 dead from "illegal alcohol"!

12 dead from "illegal alcohol"!

From the World
Traveled to 22 countries with only 200 dollars in her pocket: The story of the woman who also visited Kosovo (Photo)

Traveled to 22 countries with only 200 dollars in her pocket: The story of the woman who also visited Kosovo (Photo)

From the World
Horror in India: Armed "extremists" kill 13 people (Video)

Horror in India: Armed "extremists" kill 13 people (Video)

From the World
