
1222 Articles

The million-dollar challenge to decipher the writing of one of the world's earliest urban communities

The million-dollar challenge to decipher the writing of one of the world's earliest urban communities

Several injured after an elephant "lost its cool" during an annual festival in India

Several injured after an elephant "lost its cool" during an annual festival in India

While performing "acrobatics" in front of the crowd, Indian soldiers were attached to parachutes - fall into the water and miraculously escape

While performing "acrobatics" in front of the crowd, Indian soldiers were attached to parachutes - fall into the water and miraculously escape

Indian man stops electric fans with his tongue to set world record

Indian man stops electric fans with his tongue to set world record

The shy Indian cut off four fingers rather than tell his boss he wanted to quit his job

The shy Indian cut off four fingers rather than tell his boss he wanted to quit his job

Symbyllur smashed 69 coconuts around a man's body with a giant hammer, enters the Guinness Book of Records

Symbyllur smashed 69 coconuts around a man's body with a giant hammer, enters the Guinness Book of Records

India's longest-serving former prime minister has died

India's longest-serving former prime minister has died

Missing woman from India returns home after 22 years

Missing woman from India returns home after 22 years

Why does a nation of 1.45 billion want more children?

Why does a nation of 1.45 billion want more children?

Social Media Users Fascinated: Inside India's Glass House

Social Media Users Fascinated: Inside India's Glass House

Trump threatens BRICS countries with a 100 percent tariff

Trump threatens BRICS countries with a 100 percent tariff

From the World
Countries with confirmed cases of the new type of monkeypox

Countries with confirmed cases of the new type of monkeypox

From the World
Student creates Indian version of Mona Lisa using Al, sparks reactions on social media

Student creates Indian version of Mona Lisa using Al, sparks reactions on social media

Fun News
Man carries crocodile on shoulder, video goes viral

Man carries crocodile on shoulder, video goes viral

India built the world's largest office building, second only to the Pentagon

India built the world's largest office building, second only to the Pentagon

Following navigation instructions, three men from India drove over the unfinished bridge - falling 10 meters to their deaths

Following navigation instructions, three men from India drove over the unfinished bridge - falling 10 meters to their deaths

Despite being pronounced dead and wanting to cremate his body - the young man from India who woke up still lost his life

Despite being pronounced dead and wanting to cremate his body - the young man from India who woke up still lost his life  

Unusual decision of the Indian family - bury the car, thousands of people at the 'funeral' ceremony

Unusual decision of the Indian family - bury the car, thousands of people at the 'funeral' ceremony

US accuses Indian billionaire Gautam Adan of fraud

US accuses Indian billionaire Gautam Adan of fraud

From the World
Fire in India's neonatal ward kills 10 babies, injures 17 others

Fire in India's neonatal ward kills 10 babies, injures 17 others

The houses of those accused of crimes were destroyed, the court of India makes a decision: Bulldozers cannot be used as a means of punishment

The houses of those accused of crimes were destroyed, the court of India makes a decision: Bulldozers cannot be used as a means of punishment

Record level of pollution in Pakistan, images from space are published

Record level of pollution in Pakistan, images from space are published

The passenger shows the creative solution to find comfort in a crowded train

The passenger shows the creative solution to find comfort in a crowded train

At least 36 dead after bus plunges into Himalayan gorge

At least 36 dead after bus plunges into Himalayan gorge

